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POOSH - Occupational Safety and Health of Posted Workers


The occupational safety and health (OSH) of posted workers is regulated in Article 3 of Directive 96/71/EC, which defines the posting of workers in the context of the provision of services, and is inextricably linked to the provision of decent working/working conditions. In most cases, serious violations in the field of OSH take place in parallel with insufficient payments, excessive working hours, lack of rest, lack of preventive measures, non-compliance with regulations concerning social protection and health insurance, and underestimation of specificities related to OSH in cultural and ethnic diverse workplaces. This inevitably leads to an increasing prevalence of work-related accidents, especially in risky, dangerous sectors, and can have short-term or long-term effects (i.e, exhaustion, disability, chronic diseases) on the health of posted workers. Avoidance of responsibility for providing PPE by subcontractor chains and issues of liability in the event of accidents further increase the vulnerability of posted workers.

The project brings together research institutions and competent public institutions from Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Romania, Germany, Croatia and Belgium. The aim of the participants is to point out the unexplored and insufficiently exposed challenges of ensuring OSH and decent working/working conditions for posted workers. The purpose of the project is to establish and/or further improve international cooperation between competent national bodies, social partners, groups of experts and non-governmental organizations by organizing joint meetings and visits, with the aim of exchanging good practices, experiences, discussing possible forms of further cooperation, facilitating multilateral initiatives for achieving better prevention, control and response to violations of the rights of posted workers and the development of recommendations for policy formulation in this area. By establishing a comprehensive transnational e-Observatory for OSH, it will increase the availability and quality of information for posted workers, employers and competent national institutions. Likewise, the project will enable interdisciplinary and cross-border academic collaboration with nine national case studies and comparative studies based on existing and new field data to ensure a quality database and inform policy dialogue. The partners will carry out various activities in nine member states, produce educational materials in 11 languages ​​and ensure sufficient information exchange and dissemination of results in a wider geographical area.


Affiliated organizations:

Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the Republic of Slovenia; Ministry of Council and Pension System of the Republic of Croatia, Inspectorate of Council (Croatia); Service public fédéral Emploi, Travail et Concertation sociale/Federale Overheidsdienst Werkgegelichen, Arbeid en Sociaal Overleg (Federal Inspectorate for Labor and Social Affairs, Belgium); European Trade Union Institute (European Trade Union Institute, Belgium); Asociația pentru Dialog, Ocupare și Migrație CONECT (Association for Employment, Dialogue and Migration, Romania); Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Legno Edili e Affini (Association of Italian Workers of the Wood Processing Industry).


More information: Transnational Observatory on Occupational Safety and Health