Experiencing water environments and environmental changes: An anthropological study of water in Albania, Serbia and Slovenia
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Nataša Gregorič Bon, PhD-
Original Title
Experiencing water environments and environmental changes: An anthropological study of water in Albania, Serbia and Slovenia
Project Team
Maja Petrović-Šteger, PhD, Borut Telban, PhD, Ana Jelnikar, PhD, Dr. Nataša Rogelja, Urša Kanjir, PhD, Aleš Grlj-
1 July 2019–30 June 2022 -
Lead Partner
Project Leader
Nataša Gregorič Bon, PhD
Financial Source
Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije
Frequent and severe droughts, floods, and global warming are just some of the features of accelerating climate and environmental changes that are directly or indirectly related to water. For this reason, the role and meaning of water is becoming an important issue. Consequently, a growing number of studies focus on water and water-related phenomena, but mainly in areas frequently exposed to droughts (e.g., Africas), melting glaciers (e.g., Arctic, South America), and sea level rise (e.g., Oceania), while parts of Southeastern Europe (SEE) or the so-called Balkans seem to be still unexplored areas on the broader map of global water-related changes. This project fills this gap, which appears to be an overlooked chapter within the anthropology of water and the environment in SEE.
The project is a contribution to the anthropology of water. It aims to explore the meaning of water and water environments in Albania, Serbia, and Slovenia, document and analyse the ways in which people live or adapt their lives in relation to their environmental, infrastructural, political, and sensory experiences of water. Drawing on environmental anthropology, which, in trangressing the dualism of nature and culture, attends towards deep entanglement between geological, hydrological and social, this project explored these interrelationships in respective water environments of particular rivers. By closely following the ways in which people, researchers, environmental activists, political and economic actors live and understand water, rivers, and related phenomena, this research critically reflects contemporary debates about 'sustainability', 'environmentalism', 'resilience', 'adaptation', and 'vulnerability'.
The research is conceived as a classical anthropological study that innovatively combines anthropological analysis with remote sensing techniques (RS) and geographical analysis. The researchers have developed an intersectional approach based on the combination of big (remote sensing) and thick (ethnographic) data. Departing from an in-depth analysis of individual rivers, the project successfully applied the challenging intersection of 'people' and 'pixels'. This allowed researchers to take a longitudinal view of individual rivers and their environments, which, along with other human and non-human domains reconfigure landscape structure. The latter enabled us to approach the holistic meaning of water and move beyond its source/resorce dualisms. Moreover, by intersecting big and thick data, the project has also successfully addressed some contemporary climate and environmental issues, which, due to their complexity and interrelatedness, call for a cross-disciplinary approach.
1.01. Gregorič Bon, Nataša. 2022. Changing environments: experience and knowledges. Anthropological notebooks, 28(3): 1-10. (http://notebooks.drustvo-antropologov.si/Notebooks/article/view/573/452) [COBISS.SI-ID 150085635]
1.02. Gregorič Bon, Nataša, Stančič, Liza, Kanjr, Urška. 2022. Vjosa riverine environments: approaching dynamic continuity. Anthropological notebooks, 28(3): 39-73. (http://notebooks.drustvo-antropologov.si/Notebooks/article/view/558/449) [COBISS.SI-ID 150085891]
1.03. Rogelja Caf, Nataša. 2022. Walking with the Rižana River: ethnographic experiments in the Anthropocene. Anthropological notebooks, 28(3): 11-38. [COBISS.SI-ID 143110915].
2.01. Gregorič Bon, Nataša. 2022. Restoring pasts and enriching futures in Albania. Anthropological quarterly, 95 (4): 731-760. [COBISS.SI-ID 131971587].
2.02. Gregorič Bon, Nataša. 2021. Kuçedra's waterways: restoring authority and building. In: Gregorič Bon, Nataša, Musaraj, Smoki (eds.). Remitting, restoring and building contemporary Albania. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 131-162. [COBISS.SI-ID 90673667]
2.03. Gregorič Bon, Nataša. 2020. Poti Kuçedre: pomeni vode in naplavljanje avtoritete v današnji Albaniji. Traditiones, 49 (3): 135-161. [COBISS.SI-ID 46880515]
2.04. Musaraj, Smoki, Gregorič Bon, Nataša. 2021. Introduction: remitting, restoring, and building contemporary Albania. In: Gregorič Bon, Nataša, Musaraj, Smoki (eds.). Remitting, restoring and building contemporary Albania. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-24. [COBISS.SI-ID 90672899]
2.05. Petrović-Šteger, Maja. 2020. On the side of predictable: visioning the future in Serbia / O onome što predvidljivo ne obuhvaća: zamišljanje budućnosti u Srbiji. Etnološka tribina, 50 (43): 3-31, 32-67. [COBISS.SI-ID 44422915]
2.06. Rogelja Caf, Nataša, Ledinek Lozej, Špela. 2021. Hodim, pišem, raziskujem: refleksija hoje in pisanja v etnološkem in antropološkem raziskovanju. Etnolog 31 (82): 67-86. [COBISS.SI-ID 94318595]
2.07. Rogelja, Nataša. 2021. Kje je Rižana? Alternator: misliti znanost, 39. [COBISS.SI-ID 76381443]
2.08. Bowles, Benjamin O. L., Kaaristo, Maarja, Rogelja, Nataša. 2019. Dwelling on and with water - materialities, (im)mobilities and meanings: introduction to the special issue. Anthropological notebooks, 25 (2): 5-12. [COBISS.SI-ID 45584429]
2.09. Stančič, Liza, Gregorič Bon, Nataša, Josipovič, Damir, Čož, Nejc, Kanjir, Urška. 2022. Razumevanje sprememb v rečnih okoljih s prepletanjem daljinskega zaznavanja in antropoloških raziskav. In: Cerkvenik, Stanka (ed.). Vodni dnevi 2022: simpozij z mednarodno udeležbo: zbornik referatov: 13.-14. oktober, Rimske Toplice, Kongresni center Rimske terme. Elektronska izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za zaščito voda, pp. 161-173. [COBISS.SI-ID 130697475]
2.10. Telban, Borut. 2019. Places and paths in Melanesian landscapes. In: Hirsch, Eric, Rollanson, Will (eds.). The Melanesian world. London: Routledge, pp. 487-500. [COBISS.SI-ID 44765741]
3.01. Rogelja Caf, Nataša, Ledinek Lozej, Špela. 2023. Hodopisi: zbirka etnografskih esejev z metodološkimi premisleki o hoji in pisanju (Zbirka Prostor, kraj, čas, 21). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC. [COBISS.SI-ID 141904131]
4. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Experiencing climate and environmental changes in and beyond Europe, May 2022; with keynotes by Prof. Thomas Hylland Eriksen (University of Oslo) and Prof. Marc A. Brightman (Universty of Bologna)
4.01. Gregorič Bon, Nataša, Kanjir, Urška, Stančič, Liza. 2022. Continuity and change in Vjosa River valley, Southern Albania. In: Experiencing climate and environmental changes in and beyond Europe: symposium: May 5th-7th, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2022. Ljubljana: p. 13. [COBISS.SI-ID 107435267]
4.02. Petrović-Šteger, Maja. 2022. Pollution and its metaphors: climate change in Serbia. In: Experiencing climate and environmental changes in and beyond Europe: symposium: May 5th-7th, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2022. Ljubljana: p. 14. [COBISS.SI-ID 107438851]
4.03. Rogelja, Nataša. 2022. Three walks and a ZOOM: researching, imagining and walking with Rižana River in NE Adriatic. In: Experiencing climate and environmental changes in and beyond Europe: symposium: May 5th-7th, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2022. Ljubljana: pp. 15-16. [COBISS.SI-ID 107754243]
5.01. Gregorič Bon, Nataša, Stančič, Liza, Kanjir, Urška. 2023. Vjosa riverine environments at the intersection of big and thick data: predavanje na mednarodnem seminarju "Route Biographies - Focus on Rivers", ZRC SAZU, Prešernova dvorana, Ljubljana, 29. March. [COBISS.SI-ID 150086147]
5.02. Gregorič Bon, Nataša, Kanjir, Urška, Stančič, Liza. 2022. Intersecting big and thick data – some approaches to the study of riverine environments. In: Vienna Anthropology Days 2022 : September 26-September 29. Vienna: Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna. 2022, str. 3-4. https://vanda.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/k_vanda/Sessions/Sessions_2020/Session_2022/Session_19.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 123802883]
5.03. Bajič, Blaž, Gregorič Bon, Nataša, Repič, Jaka, Svetel, Ana. 2022. Living with changing environments in an overheated world : session abstract. In: Vienna Anthropology Days 2020: scientific program. Wien: Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Weltmuseum Wien, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna. Session 19, p. 1. https://vanda.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/k_vanda/Sessions/Sessions_2020/Session_Schedule___Abstracts_Session_19.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 31341827]
5.04. Gregorič Bon, Nataša, Kanjir, Urška. 2021. Remote and near sensing of Vjosa riverine environments. In: Breaking the rules?: power, participation, and transgression: SIEF2021 15th Congress: Helsinki, Finland, 19-24 June 2021. Helsinki: International Society for Ethnology and Folklore. 1 str. https://www.siefhome.org/congresses/sief2021/panels#9675. [COBISS.SI-ID 69330179]
5.05. Gregorič Bon, Nataša. 2020. Spillovers and entanglements: green bonds: session 3: diskusija na mednarodni znanstveni delavnici The HAU of Finance: Ethnographic Inquiries into Impact Investing and the Moral Turn in Finance, IMPACT HAU Inaugural Workshop, 25 March, funded by ERC consolidator grant 772544. [COBISS.SI-ID 46137645]
5.06. Gregorič Bon, Nataša. 2019. Flows and border crossings. Shifting borders in Albania. In: National borders and social boundaries: the case of Friuli and beyond: workshop Department of ethnology and cultural anthropology, University of Ljubljana, 20 september 2019. Ljubljana: Swiss National Science Foundation. Str. 11. [COBISS.SI-ID 45124397]
5.07. Kanjir, Urška, Stančič, Liza, Gregorič Bon, Nataša, Josipovič, Damir. 2022. Human and natural processes both induce changes along rivers: the cases of Mura (Slovenia) and Vjosa (Albania). In: Living Planet Symposium: Bonn, 23-27 May 2022. European Space Agency. 1 spletni vir. https://express.converia.de/frontend/index.php?page_id=18446&v=List&do=15&day=all&ses=21355#. [COBISS.SI-ID 110673923]
5.08. Petrović-Šteger, Maja. 2022. Waste, value and death in a riparian environment: predavanje na "Disturbance on the Danube: State, Infrastructure and the Environment", a Workshop within the project "Contested Waterway. Governance and Ecology on the Lower Danube, 1800–2018", New Europe College, Bucharest, 29-30 September 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 129867267]
5.09. Petrović-Šteger, Maja. 2021. Riparian infrastructure: the meaning of social responsibility and care in a Danubian city: predavanje na mednarodni konferenci CityIndustries Workshop Series Mar.-Sep. 2021: Renewal, Endurance and Care, Workshop II, 18. jun. 2021, online. [COBISS.SI-ID 78489603]
5.10. Petrović-Šteger, Maja. 2020. On the value of being in the present. Invited presentation at the roundtable Anthropological Perspectives: Past, Present and Future. In: EASA 2020 Lisboa: new anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe: 16th EASA Biennial Conference: 20-24 July 2020, Virtual Lisbon conference. Lisboa: EASA, 2020. https://easaonline.org/conferences/easa2020/panels#8386. [COBISS.SI-ID 24202243]
5.11. Rogelja Caf, Nataša, Ledinek Lozej, Špela. 2021. Hoja kot etnološka oziroma antropološka raziskovalna metod(ologij)a. In: Weber, Irena, Kerma, Simon (eds.). Zgodbe z "najlepše reke" in od drugod: turizem - prostor - narava: simpozij v spomin dr. Mateju Vranješu: UP, Fakulteta za turistične študije Turistica, Katedra za kulturni turizem, Portorož, 20. oktobra 2021. Portorož: Fakulteta za turistične študije Turistica, 2021. https://www.turistica.si/si/aktualno/dogodki/tekoci-dogodki/simpozij-v-spomin-dr-mateju-vranjesu-. [COBISS.SI-ID 81898755]
5.12. Telban, Borut. 2022. The materiality of religious experience in the Karawari region of Papua New Guinea. In: 13th ESfO Conference, Ajaccio, Corsica, 2-5 June 2022: [material and immaterial in motion]. Marseille: CREDO, Centre for Research and Documentation on Oceania; Verona: Department of Culture and Civilizations, University. [COBISS.SI-ID 116307715]
5.13. Telban, Borut. 2022. Kunaypa historicity: conceptual specificity of temporal reciprocity in the Sepik, Papua New Guinea: vabljeno predavanje, International Workshop on Historical Awareness and Agency “Pasts in the Making", Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Aarhus (DNK), 10. nov. [COBISS.SI-ID 130525699]
6.01. Kanjir, Urška, Gregorič Bon, Nataša, Stančič, Liza, Josipovič, Damir. 2022. Riverine environments: following Mura and Vjosa = Rečna okolja: s tokovi Mure in Vjose = Mjediset lumore përgjatë Murës dhe Vjosës. Ljubljana; Lubjanë: Institute of Anthropological and Spatial Studies, ZRC SAZU: = Inštitut za antropološke in prostorske študije, ZRC SAZU: = Instituti i Studimeve Antropologjike dhe Hapësinore, ZRC SAZU. https://riverchange.zrc-sazu.si/, https://riverchange.zrc-sazu.si/slo/, https://riverchange.zrc-sazu.si/shqip/. [COBISS.SI-ID 129086723]
7.01. Gregorič Bon, Nataša. 2020. Kuçedra: portraits of life on Europe's last wild river : photo exhibition by Nick St. Oegger: otvoritev razstave, 10. jan., Tirana. [COBISS.SI-ID 45739821]
8.01. Dražovič, Fin Lucu (oseba, ki intervjuva), Gregorič Bon, Nataša (intervjuvanec), Guri, Besjana (intervjuvanec). Nič hidroelektrarn na Vjosi. Ljubljana: Zavod Radio Študent, 2022. 1 spletni vir (1 zvočna datoteka (13 min, 59 sek)). Offsajd. [COBISS.SI-ID 112946435]
9.01. Gregorič Bon, Nataša. 2023. Intersecting big and thick data: towards dynamic continuity of Vjosa riverine environment: predavanje na Instytut antropologii i etnologii, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Poznan (POL), 25. apr. [COBISS.SI-ID 150645507]
9.02. Gregorič Bon, Nataša, Musaraj, Smoki. 2022. Remitting, restoring, and rebuilding contemporary Albania: predavanje na Inštitutu za kulturno antropologijo in študije umetnosti v okviru seminarja "Antropološka revolucija", Tirana (ALB), 7. jul. [COBISS.SI-ID 123394819]
10.01. Grlj, Aleš. 2021. Fizično geografske značilnosti porečja Rižane: predavanje na 1. seminarju v okviru ARRS projekta Doživljanje vodnih okolij in okoljskih sprememb v Albaniji, Srbiji in Sloveniji, (J6-1803), 21. mar. [COBISS.SI-ID 73030403]
10.02. Grlj, Aleš. 2021. Hidrogeološke značilnosti reke Vjose, Albanija: predavanje na 2. seminarju v okviru ARRS projekta Doživljanje vodnih okolij in okoljskih sprememb v Albaniji, Srbiji in Sloveniji, (J6-1803), 27. jul. [COBISS.SI-ID 73030659]
Walking Seminar – Workshop within ARRS project Experiencing water environments and environmemtal changes in Albania, Serbia and Slovenia (J6-1803)
10.03. Gregorič Bon, Nataša. 2020. Uvodni nagovor in načrt delavnice: predavanje na: Hodinar - delavnica v okviru ARRS projekta Doživljanje vodnih okolij in okoljskih sprememb v Albaniji, Srbiji in Sloveniji (J6-1803), 13. okt. 2020. [COBISS.SI-ID 77245699]
10.04. Gregorič Bon, Nataša. 2020. Premikanja in postajanja - odkrivanja mnogoterih poti Rižane: predavanje na: Hodinar - delavnica v okviru ARRS projekta Doživljanje vodnih okolij in okoljskih sprememb v Albaniji, Srbiji in Sloveniji, (J6-1803), 13. okt. [COBISS.SI-ID 77247747]
10.05. Jelnikar, Ana. 2020. Osebno razmišljanje: reka, ženska in mortadela: predavanje na: Hodinar - delavnica v okviru ARRS projekta Doživljanje vodnih okolij in okoljskih sprememb v Albaniji, Srbiji in Sloveniji (J6-1803), 13. okt. [COBISS.SI-ID 77246211]
10.06. Kanjir, Urška. 2020. Navidezno nepomembna reka : predavanje na: Hodinar - delavnica v okviru ARRS projekta Doživljanje vodnih okolij in okoljskih sprememb v Albaniji, Srbiji in Sloveniji (J6-1803), 13. okt. [COBISS.SI-ID 77246723]
10.07. Petrović-Šteger, Maja. 2020. Prisluškovanje Rižani : predavanje na: Hodinar - delavnica v okviru ARRS projekta Doživljanje vodnih okolij in okoljskih sprememb v Albaniji, Srbiji in Sloveniji (J6-1803), 13. okt. [COBISS.SI-ID 77246467]
10.08. Rogelja Caf, Nataša. 2020. Kje je Rižana? : predavanje na dogodku Hodinar - delavnica v okviru ARRS projekta Doživljanje vodnih okolij in okoljskih sprememb v Albaniji, Srbiji in Sloveniji (J6-1803), 13. okt. [COBISS.SI-ID 77645059]
Workshop with stakeholders
10.09. Kanjir, Urška, Gregorič Bon, Nataša, Stančič, Liza, Josipovič, Damir. 2021. Understanding changes of the Mura and Vjosa rivers : delavnica v okviru projekta ESA projekta, Contextualization of EO data for a deeper understanding of river environment changes in Southeast Europe in ARRS projekta Doživljanje vodnih okolij in okoljskih sprememb v Albaniji, Srbiji in Sloveniji (J6-1803), 9. dec. [COBISS.SI-ID 90032387]