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Mental health difficulties among migrants: experiences of recognition and treatment


Due to an increasing social relevance of international migration at national and global levels and increasing restrictiveness of migration policies as a significant source of uncertainties and distress that migrants experience, it is not surprising that scientific as well as political interest in the topic of migration and mental health has risen in the last few decades. The topic has been addressed both in epidemiological studies of prevalence and risk factors as well as in research that has addressed also the socio-political context both in countries of emigration and immigration that can have an impact on the experience and coping with such distress. In this respect, the aim of the proposed project is to ensure a better informed explanation of mental  health of migrants than the one evidenced by extant public health and epidemiological evidence. Therefore, the main activity of the project will be a qualitatively designed field work research between stakeholders and professional workers in the field of migration and/or mental health and among migrants themselves. The aim of the research among migrants is to research how socio-political circumstances that define the position of migrants in the new countries, such as, for example the increasing securitisation and restrictiveness of migration policies, the processes of precarisation of labour and employment, discrimination and stigmatisation of migrants, difficulties in socio-economic integration, etc., have an impact on the uncertainties and distresses of individual migrants, how they understand, explain, experience and make meaning of them and which obstacles they perceive in access to relevant professional services and last but not least, how they cope with such distress and uncertainties. The results will be a basis for practical results of the project – a leaflet on recognition in treatment of mental health difficulities among migrants for professionals in health and social care and a multilingual leaflet for migrants on the topic of mental health difficulties. In the conceptual sense, the proposed project draws mainly on the tradition of critical social work and culturally informed psychiatry that places mental distress in the context of structural inequalities, suffering and differences in social power, but also agency, skills and active coping with distress. In this sense, the research will offer a reflection on the prevailing categories of illness and symptomatics that may not be relevant for particular individuals, but may bear a decisive impact on the modes of looking for help and support.

Project Stages

Project phases and their realisation

The project group will carry out the project research in three years. The time plan is organised in the following work packages (WP): 

WP Project management and internal communication: M1-M36 is ensured by a kick-off meeting of the project group, working meetings in situ and through different web tools, which will also include a regular reading of the relevant literature in order to discussand confront the different epistemologies and viewpoints, the preparation of one mid-term and one final report, the creation of internal web and other channels of communication for the implementation of field work, collection of data and its appropriate storage and through a financial and administrative follow-up and support to project activities.  

Research work package WP 1 State of the art (approaches, policies and practices): M1-M24. The work within the work package Stare of the art will mostly be carried out within the first year of the project (M1-M12), as the existing practices and policies will also form a basis for a thematic design of the field work. The review of existing research and practices will mostly be carried out in year 1 (M1-M12), but will, in the second year of research (M13-M24) focus on the information needed for the preparation of the leaflets. Within the work package, a review of the relevant literature on migration and mental health will be carried out in the first year of the project (M1-M12) from the viewpoint of different disciplines (social work, sociology, anthropology, political studies, medicine – psychiatry, psychology). The review and analysis of the literature will be a continued activity throughout the entire project.  

Research work package 2 WP 2 – Fieldwork will, in its first phase (M5-M12) encompass a preliminary procedure for coming into contact with participants in the study, the identification of key research subjects of both phases of field work research (expert interviews and interviews with migrants), that will be adapted continuously to field work findings, the organisation and logistics of field work and a more detailed distribution of tasks among the project group. The field work phase will mostly be carried out in the second and in the beginning of the third year of the project (M13-M28) and will encompass, besides the interviews also the participation at relevant events, a simultaneous transcription and content analysis of the gathered material, the keeping of ethnographic diaries and a continuous adaptation and upgrade of research content and issues. In the last year (M25-M32) the final analysis of the gathered material will be conducted.  

Research practical (applicative) work package WP 3 will include a Leaflet for professionals in health and social care sectors on mental health difficulties among migrants (M25-M36) and a multilingual Leaflet on mental health difficulties for migrants (M29-M36).  

The leaflets will be prepared on the basis on analysis within WP 1 and WP 2. 

Work package Dissemination and external communication (M1-M36) will include, besides the dissemination activities of the practical work package (WP 3 – leaflets) a preparation of at least six scientific articles (for an edited scientific monograph and/or scientific journals), at least two professional articles and at least six presentations of the project and its results at scientific and professional conferences, roundtables, trainings, workshops, etc. and a continued transfer of knowledge into the pedagogical process of participating researchers. A final roundtable event for both researchers as well as professionals and stakeholders in the field of mental health and/or migration will be organised in the last year of the project (month 29-36).


ŠPRAH, Lilijana, CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Poročilo raziskave o izvorih javne stigme in vplivu samostigme na iskanje strokovne pomoči na področju duševnega zdravja (Report on the research on public stigma origins and the impact of self-stigma on professional help-seeking in the field of mental health). Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Družbenomedicinski inštitut, 2021. 78 pp. [COBISS.SI-ID 96975619]

CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. COVID-19 and migration in the Western Balkans : the case of people on the move and migrant workers in agriculture : lecture at the International Conference Migration, Development and Diaspora in the Western Balkans, 3rd Panel, Tirana and online, 28. oct. 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 88487939]

CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja, KNEŽEVIĆ HOČEVAR, Duška. Strukturne ranljivosti delavcev migrantov v kmetijstvu (Structural vulnerabilities of migrant workers in agriculture). Glasnik Slovenskega etnološkega društva. [Tiskana izd.]. 2022, 62, no. 2, pp. 70-80. ISSN 0351-2908. [COBISS.SI-ID 130536707], [SNIP] Available at:

CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Stigma in ovire pri iskanju pomoči med begunci in begunkami = Stigma and barriers to help seeking among refugees. In: ŠPRAH, Lilijana (ed.). Od seznanjenosti s težavami v duševnem zdravju do učinkovitega odzivanja z manj stigme: zdaj je čas, da znanje prenesemo v prakso! = From mental health awareness to effective responses with less stigma: now is the time to put knowledge into practice!. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2022. pp. 183-193. ISBN 978-961-05-0675-1. DOI: 10.3986/9789610506768_13. [COBISS.SI-ID 123119619] Available at:

BOFULIN, Martina. Tolmačenje in medkulturna mediacija:(igra vlog): delavnica v okviru strokovnega izobraževanja izvajalcev medkulturne mediacije v organizaciji NIJZ (Interpreting and intercultural mediation (role play): workshop within the training for intercultural mediators organised by the National Institute of Public Health, 11. mar. 2022, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 101395715]

CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Migracije in duševne stiske: vodenje delavnice v okviru projekta Aktivni odnosi 2 - opolnomočenje in socialna aktivacija migrantskih žensk (Migration and mental distress: workshop within the project Active relationships: empowerment and social activation of female migrants), Društvo ODNOS (Association ODNOS), 5. apr. 2022, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 105108739]

CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Duševno zdravje migrantov in migrantk - med miti in realnostjo (Migrants' mental health: between myths and reality): lecture at the final conference of the OMRA Programme, Atrij ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 10. oct. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 125198083] Available at:

CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja, GODEC, Jasmina. Duševno zdravje migrantov in migrantk (Migrants' mental health): Radio Agora, Celovec, podcast Agora Divan, 22. oct. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 131129859] Available at:

BASKAR, Bojan, CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja, JANKO SPREIZER, Alenka, ZALAR, Vita, PALAIĆ, Tina, LIČEN, Daša. Etnološki večer o rasizmu (Ethnological evening on racism): Slovenski etnografski muzej, Ljubljana, 4. Oct. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 124394243

CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja, ZAVRATNIK, Simona. Structural vulnerabilities and (im)mobilities amidst the Covid-19 pandemic: people on the move along the Balkan Route, posted and agricultural workers. Central and Eastern European migration review. 2023, vol. 12, no. 2, pp 15-31. ISSN 2300-1682. Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DOI: 10.54667/ceemr.2023.04. [COBISS.SI-ID 150091779], [Odprti dostopSNIPWoSScopus]

CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja, VAH JEVŠNIK, Mojca. Rethinking health-related vulnerabilities of temporary migrant workers in agriculture and construction. In: VAH JEVŠNIK, Mojca (ed.), TOPLAK, Kristina (ed.). Further discussions on labour mobility in the EU. 1st ed. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2023. pp. 153-172. ISBN 978-961-05-0801-4. DOI: 10.3986/9789610508021_07. [COBISS.SI-ID 179736323]

VAH JEVŠNIK, Mojca, CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. A perfect storm: demographic ageing, severe healthcare staff stortages, and globalisation of healthcare labour markets. In: VAH JEVŠNIK, Mojca (ed.), TOPLAK, Kristina (ed.). Further discussions on labour mobility in the EU. 1st ed. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2023. pp. 59-77, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-05-0801-4. DOI: 10.3986/9789610508021_03. [COBISS.SI-ID 179734787]

MANZONI, Dino. Kaj je travma?: od travme do posttravmatske stresne motnje (What is trauma? From trauma to postraumatic stress disorder. Problemi : revija za kulturo in družbena vprašanja. 2023, year. 61, no. 1/2, pp. 133-163, 247-248, 253. ISSN 0555-2419. [COBISS.SI-ID 159409411]

MANZONI, Dino. Smrt, žalovanje in depresija (Death, mourning and depression). Panika: revija Društva študentov psihologije Slovenije. 2. March 2023, 27. ISSN 2591-0418. [COBISS.SI-ID 159044099]

CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Mental health and forced migration: invited lecture at the International training on mental health, trauma and bibliotherapy through the prism of interculturality, Sigmund Freud University - Ljubljana, 15. May 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 154403331]

CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Examining vulnerabilities of workers from the former Yugoslavia at the intersection of migration and posting regimes. In: TOMANOVIĆ, Smiljka (ed.). Sociological perspectives on contemporary post-Yugoslav societies: international conference: Belgrade, 26–27 May 2023. Belgrade: Sociological Scientific Society of Serbia, 2023. pp. 48. ISBN 978-86-905444-0-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 159167491]

CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Asylum-seeking process and mental health: some insights from Slovenia. In: Conference abstract book: 11th European Conference on Mental Health : Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 13-15, 2023. [S. l.]: Evipro, 2023. pp. 50-51. [COBISS.SI-ID 166856707]

CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Mental health of forced migrants: between stigma, culture and policies. In: GEROVSKA MITEV, Maja (ed.). Book of abstracts: international conference "Social Work and Social Policy in Times of Global Crises": 19-22 September 2023, Ohrid. Skopje: Faculty of Philosophy, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, 2023. pp. 27. [COBISS.SI-ID 166857987]

VAH JEVŠNIK, Mojca. Navigating the labour market during vulnerable stages of life: the case of repatriares from Venezuela in Slovenia: lecture at the 33th yearly conference AEMI "Intersections of Migration and Work: Exploring Labour Migration through Social, Historical and Gender Perspectives", Panel 1: "Migration and the Labour Market", Ljubljana, 28. September 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 170600195]

MOKOREL SICHERL, Aleša, PEZDIR, Tatjana, BILIAEVA, Inna, GOSTIČ, Maja. Mental health and forced displacement: roundtable at the 33th yearly conference AEMI "Intersections of Migration and Work: Exploring Labour Migration through Social, Historical and Gender Perspectives", Panel 6: Roundtable, Ljubljana, 29. September 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 170602499]

MANZONI, Dino, ŠPRAH, Lilijana. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on refugee mental health and well-being: a scoping review. In: KAPOVIĆ, Iva (ed.), PALANOVIĆ, Antun (ed.), ŠOŠTARIĆ, Matea (ed..). 26. Dani Ramira i Zorana Bujasa: međunarodni znanstveni skup, knjiga sažetaka, Zagreb, 28.–30. rujna 2023. = 26th Ramiro and Zoran Bujas Days: international scientific psychology conference: book of abstracts : September 28th–30th, 2023, Zagreb, Croatia. Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet, Odsjek za psihologiju, 2023. Str. 94. Dani Ramira i Zorana Bujasa, 26. ISSN 1849-6946. [COBISS.SI-ID 173648899]

BOFULIN, Martina, FOCK, Ignac. Medkulturna mediacija in tolmačenje: predavanje na Temeljnem strokovnem usposabljanju medkulturnih mediatorjev in mediatork (Intercultural mediation and interpreting: lecture at the Core educational training of intercultural mediators. Javni zavod Cene Štupar – Center za izobraževanje Ljubljana, 5.-21. 10. 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 177578755]

CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Vulnerabilities of temporary protection: forced migrants from Ukraine in Slovenia: lecture at the seminar Demografisanje 5: "Ukrainian refugee crisis and temporary protection: the cases of Slovenia and Turkey", online, 19. October, 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 172512259]

GOSTIČ, Maja. Mental health and psychosocial support for forcibly displaced people: the case of Slovenia: invited lecture within the international scientific exchange PoPMeD-SuSDeV na Universitat Ramon Llull, IQS School of Management, Barcelona (Spain), 3. November 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 173879043]

CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Social protection of temporary migrant workers and their families: lecture at the international meeting: WG3 "Social rights and social protection of transnational families" within the COST Action CA18119 - Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe, Acibadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar University, Istanbul (Turkey), 21.-22. November, 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 179738371]

CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja, GOSTIČ, Maja. Psihosocijalna i psihoterapeutska pomoć migrantima: dileme i izazovi (Psychosocial and psychotherapeutic help to migrants: dilemmas and challenges) predavanje na mednarodnem znanstvenem posvetu ALOPS 2023 Vulnerabilnosti savremenog doba: pojedinac i porodica" (lecture at the international scientific conference ALOPS, 2023, Vulnerabilities of contemporary age: individual and family, Belgrade, Serbia 30. November - 1. December 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 180445443]

CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Dimenzije ranjivosti upućenih radnika (Dimensions of vulnerabilities of posted workers): predavanje na Univerzi v Zagrebu, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo, predmet Antropologija migracija (lecture at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Arts, Department of ethnology and cultural anthropology), 5. December, 2023, Zagreb, Croatia [COBISS.SI-ID 179556867]

CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Promišljanje mentalnog zdravlja, ranjivosti i nesigurnosti u kontekstu migracija (Rethinking mental health, vulnerability and insecurity in the context of migration): predavanje na Univerzi v Zagrebu, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo, predmet Antropologija migracija (lecture at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Arts, Department of ethnology and cultural anthropology), 12. December, 2023, Zagreb, Croatia. [COBISS.SI-ID 179557123]

CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja, GODEC, Jasmina. Migracije - duševno zdravje in reševanje globalnih izzivov (Migration - mental health and solving global challenges). Celovec; = Klagenfurt: Radio Agora, 2024. web source Poti iz labirintov. [COBISS.SI-ID 181450499]

Predstavitev na 11. evropska konferenca o duševnem zdravju, 13.-15.9.2023, Ljubljana

- Predstavitev na 26. dnevih Ramira in Zorana Bujasa, 28.-30.09.2023, Zagreb

Research Project

duševno zdravje

Research Fields
Sociologija S210
Kriminologija S160