The State and the Prospects of Slovene Return Migrations
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Janja Žitnik Serafin, PhDProject Team
Breda Čebulj Sajko, PhD, Špela Marinšek, Z. Žigon-
1 January 2000–30 June 2002
Return migration represents an important bridge for the transfer of current international trends in the field of culture, science and economy. We also wanted to find out if return migration could have some influence on Slovene demographic problem. The research comprehended the past experiences of returned migrants, the emigrants’ interest in the possibility of returning, the consequences of return migration and its prospects. The result should be helpful in the formation of the future policy of Slovenia toward Slovene emigrants and returned migrants.
Head of the project and the research team have published the results of this project in the following publications: Dve domovini /Two Homelands, 15 (2002), and 19 (2004); AEMI journal, 1 (2003); Two homel. (Engl. online ed.). [English ed.], 2002, vol. 15. htm; 37. seminar slovenskega jezika, literature in kulture (Ljubljana: Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik pri Oddelku za slovanske jezike in književnosti Filozofske fakultete, 2001).