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AEMI konferenca: Refuge and Hosting – Paths towards Inclusion

Published on: September 15, 2022

Med 28. septembrom in 1. oktobrom 2022 bo na Portugalskem potekala AEMI konferenca Refuge and hosting - Paths towards inclusion, ki se je bodo udeležile tudi sodelavke Inštituta za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije.

Špela Kastelic (v soavtorstvu z Asjo Pehar Senekovič) bo nastopila s prispevkom The various shades of integration practices in Slovenia, Kristina Toplak s Seeking refuge, staying forever, Nataša Rogelja Caf s Complicated (hi)story of migration and fishing: the case of North Adriatic, Martina Bofulin z "Memorial drama" in Northeastern China: Entanglement of difficult heritage and mobility in the 20th century, Maja Gostič pa bo vodila izkustveno delavnico Exploring individual positionality in working with refugees.

Organizator konference je Association of European Migration Institutions.

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