GEtCoheSive - Governance Enhancement for Cohesive Societies
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Jure Gombač, PhD-
Project Team
Project ID
1 April 2023–31 March 2026 -
Lead Partner
Project Leader
Financial Source
The project is supported by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme with co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund.
The Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
Municipality of Parma, Italy, University of Vienna, Austria, ASP City of Bologna Public Company for Personal care and welfare, Italy, Caritas Vienna, Austrija, Berlin University of Technology, Germany, Initiative for the Self-Employment of Immigrant Women, Germany, Gmajna cultural association, Slovenia, Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia, Slovenia, Centre for Immigration, Asylum and International Cooperation of Parma, Italy, ActionAid international Italia E. T. S., Italy
GEtCoheSive tackles the horizontal challenges mentioned in the programme area, focusing on unequal opportunities – for people living in different CE regions and within the same region- to participate in society and have an adequate quality of life.
Unemployment or poor work, poverty and material deprivation act as barriers to full participation in society, and for this reason, it is necessary to design effective ways for making the participation of the vulnerable possible while it is also indispensable that governments act to combat inequalities.
Through the enhancement of participatory governance, GEtCoheSive tackles both this challenge and the transversal challenge of the environmental crisis. In this regard, we address the need to engage citizens, particularly the vulnerable ones, in becoming aware of the need for radical changes that environmental protection requires and involving them in decisions at the local level in order to avoid the perception that the necessary choices of environmental protection are disadvantageous for them. All in all, the challenge is committing vulnerable people and third-sector organizations in the policy-making related to care services and in necessary and not avoidable
actions for contrasting climate change and reduction of biodiversity so that anyone is left behind: this is the goal that governance should have.
Project webpage: