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Increasing the level of empirical evidence through the collection and analysis of national administrative data: POSTING.STAT 2.0


POSTING.STAT 2.0 aims to complement the statistical information collected on intra-EU posting at European level by bringing together a research consortium from the main sending and receiving Member States of posted workers.  (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain).

The main goal of the project is to increase the level of empirical evidence through the collection and analysis of national administrative data. The consortium, coordinated by HIVA-KU Leuven, consists of 12 research partners and 4 associated partners. Results will be reported in 11 country reports and 4 thematic papers. Furthermore, 11 country-specific webinars and 4 thematic-specific webinars will be organised. Finally, the results will be discussed at a closing conference in Leuven.

This project is a follow-up of POSTING.STAT - Enhancing the collection and analysis of national data on intra-EU posting (February 2021 – July 2022).



11 country reports

11 infographics

4 thematic papers

4 thematic webinars

11 country-specific webinars

final conference


Associated Partners:

EFBWW - European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (Belgium)

CEEMET aisbl - Council of European Employers of the Metal, Engineering and Technology-based industries (Belgium)

SIOD: The Social Information and Investigation Service (Belgium)

ACV-CSC - ACV-CSC Transcom (Belgium)

Research Project