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Knowledge transfer in the context of migration


The topic of the proposed project is dedicated to the studying of the transfer of knowledge from emigrants and immigrants as a potential for country development. In the research we will establish how to increase the efficiency of the transfer of knowledge from immigrants and Slovenian emigrants and their descendants for comprehensive development of the country. We will analyse what types of knowledge are formed in foreign environment, during the experience of migration, what is the motivation of immigrants and emigrants to participate in development projects of the country and to connect the country of origin and the receiving country, identify obstacles for the transfer of knowledge and the most successful strategies that countries use in international context to encourage transfer of knowledge from immigrants and diasporas. The objective of the project is to form a model to discover and recognise the knowledge and skills acquired in foreign environments and to create a proposal on strategies of inclusion of emigrants and immigrants in the development of the country via the transfer of knowledge.



1.) Based on the data gathered from a web-based questionnaire and in-depth interviews, conduct on analysis of: types of knowledge formed during migration experiences; causes and motifs for migration; motivation of immigrants and emigrants to participate in development projects of the country and to connect the country of origin and the receiving country; obstacles for the transfer of knowledge. 

2.) To identify the most successful strategies of the countries that encourage the process of the transfer of knowledge from immigrants and emigrants and include them into their development projects, by analysing the data gathered via e-interviews with different representatives from institutions responsible for migrations, associations and diplomatic missions.

3.) Formulation of a model to detect and recognise the knowledge of emigrants and immigrants and the preparation of concrete suggestions about the strategies on inclusion of emigrants and immigrants into the socio-economic development of the Republic of Slovenia via the transfer of knowledge.

4.) Creating a final report that will be published on the project website.

Research Project
