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Klara Kožar Rosulnik, PhD

PhD in Adult Education, Research Associate, Assistant Professor

+386 1 470 64 88

Klara Kožar Rosulnik received her PhD in Adult Education from the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana with the dissertation Womens' biographical learning in the context of migration. Her research interests focus on biographical learning, learning in everyday life, knowledge transfer, migration, female migration and intercultural education. At the Slovenian Migration Institute she participates in projects that promote intercultural dialog, intercultural education, inclusion of migrant (children) and development of intercultural competence of all citizens. Since 2018, she has been co-editor of the AEMI Journal (, published by The Association of European Migration Institutions (AEMI). She collaborates with the Department of Pedagogy and Andragogy at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana as a lecturer in Program planning in adult education, a mentor in student practice and a co-mentor in master's theses.

Fields of interest: biographical learning, learning in everyday life, knowledge transfer, adult education, female migration, intercultural education, inclusion of migrant (children), intercultural dialogue.

KOŽAR ROSULNIK, Klara (2021). Migration experiences, learning and identity (re)construction : an analysis of the autobiographical story of Neža Gerkšič, a.k.a. Agnes Lacroix. Journal of family history : Studies in family, kinship, and demography,, doi: 10.1177/03631990211045905.

MILHARČIČ-HLADNIK, Mirjam, KOŽAR ROSULNIK, Klara (2021). The challenges of integrating migrant children into the Slovenian education system. V: SEDMAK, Mateja (ur.), et al. Migrant children's integration and education in Europe : approaches, methodologies and policies. 1st online ed. Barcelona: Octaedro, 2021, str. 187–204.

LIČEN, Nives, FINDEISEN, Dušana, KUTIN, Meta, KOŽAR ROSULNIK, Klara. (2020). Socially Engaged Older Adult Education on Refugees and Migrants: Documentaries on Role Model Refugees as an Innovative Strategy Leading towards an Inclusive Society. Razprave in gradivo: revija za narodnostna vprašanjaTreatises and Documents: Journal of Ethnic Studies, 84, str. 31–49., DOI:

URBANČIČ, Matej, KUTIN, Meta, FINDEISEN, Dušana, MEZGEC, Maja, LIČEN, Nives, KOŽAR ROSULNIK, Klara (2020). Expansive Learning and Research Practices at the Slovenian Third Age University. Andragoška spoznanja/Studies in Adult Education and Learning, 26(1), str. 97‒114., DOI:

KOŽAR ROSULNIK, Klara (2018). Biografsko učenje in spreminjanje identitete: migracijske izkušnje Neže Gerkšič − Agnes Lacroix. Dve domovini/Two Homelands, 48, str. 129–146.

KOŽAR ROSULNIK, Klara (2018). Proučevanje migracij v andragogiki : Analiza avtobiografskega zapisa Neže Gerkšič - Agnes Lacroix. V: Sodobne paradigme raziskovanja izobraževanja in učenja odraslih : eseji v počastitev jubileja Ane Krajnc (ur. Nives Ličen, Maja Mezgec). Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, str. 229‒248.

Kožar Rosulnik, Klara, Milharčič Hladnik, Mirjam, Ličen, Nives (2016). Women's Narratives on Learning through Migration. Razprave in gradivo: revija za narodnostna vprašanja. Treatises and Documents: Journal of Ethnic Studies, 76, str. 29–47.