Learning Migration, Learning about Migration and Intercultural Relations in School and Teacher Training
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Marina Lukšič Hacin, PhDProject Team
Jernej Mlekuž, PhD-
1 January 2005–1 January 2008
The lead partner of the international “Comenius 3” project is the Stavanger University College in Norway, while other research, teaching and educational institutions (schools, institutes, universities, etc.) involved in the project come from twelve European countries. The scope of the project covers areas of migration, inter-culturalism and education. Over the course of three years, those involved organised several international conferences and seminars, as well as smaller, local events (round tables, exhibitions, theatre plays, workshops, etc.). Websites created under the project present a solid base for different kinds of work for areas in question. The project will end (officially) in October 2008.