#MyStory: Media, Migrants & Refugees
Project Team
Jure Gombač, PhD-
Project ID
1 September 2016–28 February 2018 -
Project Leader
Financial Source
Evropska komisija, program Evropa za državljane
The Hungarian Moving Image and Media Education Association, EUROFORM RFS, Wisamar educational institute, Alliance Internationale de Journalistes, IntermediaKT
Slovenian Migration Institute and DRPD Novo mesto are associated partners wirth the project #MyStory: Media, Migrants & Refugees, coordinated by EAVI. The project started in October 2016 and is co-funded by the European Commission programme Europe for Citizens.
Along with Slovenian partners, other organizations come from Belgium, Germany, Italy, Hungary and Greece: Alliance Internationale de Journalistes (AIJ), Wisamar educational institute, EUROFORM RFS, The Hungarian Moving Image and Media Education Association and IntermediaKT.
The projects intiative is to raise awareness, promote discussion, training and assist migrants and refugees and the organisations working with them, to contribute to the media narratives of displaced peoples in a positive way. It aims to apply media literacy education in shaping the ways in which the immigrant crisis is presented in the media and in which it is perceived by EU citizens.