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OUT SIDE IN – Inclusive Adult Education for Refugees

  • Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU

  • Original Title

    OUT SIDE IN – Inclusive Adult Education for Refugees

  • Project Team

    , , , Natalija Vrečer, PhD, Klara Kožar Rosulnik, PhD
  • Project ID


  • Duration

    1 September 2015–1 August 2018
  • Lead Partner

    Leibniz Univewrität Hannover

  • Project Leader

    Dr. Dirk Lange, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Nemčija

  • Partners

    Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti (ZRC SA…, Leibniz Universität Hannover (Nemčija), Synergy of Music Theatre (Grčija), Speha Fresia (Italija), Konya Metropolitan Municipality (Turčija), Dachverband Deutscher Volkshochschulen (Nemčija), Four Elements (Grčija), Folkuniversitetet (Švedska)

In 2015 we witnessed a new record number of refugees in Europe.

Receiving societies often show stabilization of prejudices and stereotypes, which seriously hampers social integration of refugees and leaves the majority society unprepared for intercultural coexistence and inclusion.

OUT-SIDE-IN is committed to qualify multipliers for the inclusion of refugees in adult education, offering new opportunities of interacting and communication to soften prejudices and to promote awareness and respect of multiple perspectives in todays´ immigration societies. With 9 partners in the 6 countries, Out-Side-In will provide needs analysis for target groups, develop and test innovative educational material and methods for learner groups with refugees, train and support 150 multipliers for sustainable implementation and publish all project-results for public free access on its website.

Out-Side-In provides results that qualify educational staff in inclusive teaching and learning skills by creative methods for moderating groups including refugees, raise awareness for multiple perspectives and understanding between the majority society and refugees, reduces prejudices and offers new arrangements for their relationships, provide opportunities for participation and learning for refugees in more inclusive societies.