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Preservation of Slovenian Heritage among Younger Members of the Slovenian Community in Yugoslav Territories


The activities involved in the project included visits to various societies, along with interviews with their representatives, as well as adolescents. The main topic of these discussions were quality practice and innovative approaches to the inclusion of youth in the societies’ various cultural activities and collaboration – both among themselves, as well as with institutions in Slovenia and Slovenian companies operating in ex-Yugoslav territories. The involvement of adolescents in Slovenian studies classes was also covered. We conducted interviews with the following eight Slovenian studies remediation teachers, discussing the inclusion of adolescents in the teaching work and other activities of societies:

  • Melita Osmanagić
  • Ana Božanović (two interviews)
  • Slavica Pavlović
  • Mario Sladoljev Jolič
  • Tatjana Bukvič
  • Milena Sprema
  • Rut Zlobec
  • Pliska Manasieva

A meeting with Slovenian societies active in Croatia was organized in Zagreb on 10 December 2014. A round table, titled “Croatian Societies in Slovenia and Slovenian Societies in Croatia: Inclusion of Adolescents and a Vision for the Future”, included both representatives of Croatia-based Slovenian societies, as well as those from Croatian societies active in Slovenia, with the aim of exchanging experience. Among other guest speaker, besides the aforementioned representatives of both countries’ societies, were also Slovenian teachers of Croatian studies, and vice-versa.

Research Project