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Jošt Žagar

Research Assistant, MA in Philosophy and History

+386 1 470 64 66


Jošt Žagar graduated in Philosophy and History of Art (2017) and received his MA in Philosophy and History (2021) at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. His Master's thesis in Philosophy dealt with the topics of migration management, the formation of border regimes and the political potentials of autonomy of migration. In his thesis in History, he researched the topic of the illegal erasure of the inhabitants of Slovenia from the register of permanent residents. The thesis examined the administrative steps that led to the erasure and their socio-political consequences at the time of formation of the new independent state of Slovenia. As a journalist for Radio Študent, he conducted field research and regularly reported on migration-related issues. He is also a member of the civil initiative Infokolpa, which has published an important report on illegal deportations on the Slovenian southern border. Since November 2024, he has been working as a research assistant at the Institute for Migration on various international projects.

HAKIMOVA, Aigul, ŽAGAR, Jošt. 2022. Tri perspektive na temo migrantskih bojev. Časopis za kritiko znanosti, 287, p. 159-179.

THALER, Iza, Žagar, Jošt. 2022. Pravni vidiki prakse nezakonitih verižnih vračanj. Ogledalo, 2, p. 68-77. (Accessed: 11. 11. 2024)

HAJZLER, Saša, ŽAGAR, Jošt, STARC, Tit. 2021. Svoboda gibanja na balkanski migrantski poti v času pandemije COVIDA-19 : fokus: Slovenija. Borec, 790-792, p. 162-181

Resources on the Move (RES-MOVE) (March 1, 2024 - February 28, 2027)
Housing: to Overcome Unstable Situation in Europe (H:OUSE) (March 1, 2024 - February 28, 2027)