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Nataša Rogelja Caf, PhD

PhD in Anthropology, Research Associate

+386 1 470 64 87


1998 The Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Department of Sociology of Culture at the University of Ljubljana, B.A. degree in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology and Sociology of Culture

2005 ISH, Ljubljana Graduate School of Humanities, PhD social anthropology

(Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Science and Arts)


Since 2011 ZRC SAZU, Slovenian Migration Institute (research fellow)

2006-2008 SRA (independent researcher in the field of humanities)

1998-2005 ISH, Ljubljana Graduate School of Humanities (junior researcher Center for Mediterranean Studies, an assistant lecturer of Social Anthropology)


Since 2021 a member of a Science Council of ISIM ZRC SAZU; since 2020 a chief editor and  member of the editorial board of Heriskop: heritage on the margins journal; since 2015 a member of the editorial board Slovenika (Belgrade: National Alliance of Slovene Minority).


Fields of interest: Lifestyle migrations, antropology of tourism, maritime anthropology, anthropology of the Mediterranean, mobility studies, mobile ethnography, heritage, creative non-fiction

LEDINEK LOZEJ, Špela, ROGELJA, Nataša. 2021. Hoditi z mejami : med pozabo, spominom in zgodovino koroških grap. Alternator: misliti znanost 1.

ROGELJA, Nataša, JANKO SPREIZER, Alenka. 2020. "Back to the future" : šetnja među ostacima ribarske industrije u Izoli. In: KOSMOS, Iva (ed.), PETROVIĆ, Tanja (ed.), POGAČAR, Martin (ed.). Priče iz konzerve : povijest prerade i konzerviranja riba na sjeveroistočnom Jadranu. Zagreb: Srednja Europa. pp. 212-235.

ROGELJA, Nataša, JANKO SPREIZER, Alenka, BOFULIN, Martina. 2020. Morje mnogih rib : odbiranja preteklosti v severovzhodnem Jadranu. Traditiones : zbornik Inštituta za slovensko narodopisje. Vol. 49, issue 3, pp. 17-34., doi: 10.3986/Traditio2020490302.

JANKO SPREIZER, Alenka, ROGELJA, Nataša. 2020. Small-scale fisheries in Slovenia (Northeastern Adriatic) : from borders to projects. In: PASQUAL-FERNÁNDEZ, José J. (ed.), PITA, Cristina (ed.), BAVINCK, Maarten (ed.). Small-scale fisheries in Europe : status, resilience and governance. MARE publication series, Springer, pp. 171-189. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-37371-9_9

ROGELJA, Nataša. 2019. A life in letters : an anthropological reflection on the correspondence of Slovene missionary sr. Conradina Resnik. Dve domovini : razprave o izseljenstvu. Issue 50, pp. 89-108., doi: 10.3986/dd.v2019i50.7460.

LEDINEK LOZEJ, Špela, ROGELJA, Nataša, KANJIR, Urška 2018. Walks through the multi-layered landscape of Šavrinkas' Istria : eggs, books, backpacks and stony paths. Landscape research. Vol.43, issue 5, pp. 600-612. doi: 10.1080/01426397.2017.1336207.

ROGELJA, Nataša. 2018. Trinajsti mesec : portreti morskih nomadov. Preserje: Aktivni mediji, 255 pp.

ROGELJA, Nataša, JANKO SPREIZER, Alenka, 2017. Fish on the move : fishing between discourses and borders in the Northern Adriatic. MARE publication series 11, Springer, pp. 214., doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-51897-8.

ROGELJA, Nataša, 2017. Blue horizons : anthropological reflections on maritime lifestyle migrations in the Mediterranean. Migracije, 26. Ljubljana: Publishing House ZRC, pp. 165. doi:  10.3986/9789610500087.