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Step in!

Slovenian Migration Institute (SMI) was a partner in the Step in! Building Inclusive Societies through Active Citizenship (Grundtvig) project, coordinated by Prof. Dirk Lange from the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany (2012-2013). Universities, research institutes, NGOs and adult education providers from seven countries combined their competencies in the field of civic education, integration and migration. The project consortium consisted of organizations and institutions from Czech Republic, Cyprus, Italy, Scotland and Sweden beside Slovenia and Germany. The project’s overall objective was the development of an innovative education strategy to increase political participation and civic engagement of migrants and ethnic minorities, and to promote active citizenship. The consortium  conceptualized seven different education modules which were tested and implemented all over Europe. The project accommodated the fact that successful processes of integration demand not only efforts on the part of the minorities, but also on the part of the receiving countries' majorities and institutions. In this sense, the target groups of the project were (1.) migrants and members of ethnic minorities, (2.) members of the receiving countries, especially members of political parties, NGOs, public authorities, and (3.) adult education professionals and providers. One of the main results of the project is the Step In! Handbook which is published in all partner languages.

More information:

Step in! Brochure







This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The publications reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.