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The States and Diasporas in the First and Second Yugoslavia (Serbia – Slovenia bilateral cooperation with the Institute for the Recent History of Serbia, Belgrade)


The project is based on the study of relations between the states and diasporas in the contexts of the first and second Yugoslavia. It builds on assumptions about the interrelationships between the country of emigration and diasporas in a longue durée perspective, as developed by the project applicants. The latter deal with similar topics, but they have not had the opportunity to participate in joint efforts, confront views and elaborate research.

The goals of the project are: systematic recording and reviewing of materials of central and peripheral institutions of state authorities, analysis of migration dynamics from the perspective of state policies of the first and second Yugoslavia and their constitutive political (sub) units, mutual acquaintance with research projects and programs, as well as methodologies of work in the field of historiography and migration studies, implementation of joint meetings, i. e. conferences, workshops and symposiums on selected topics.

Cooperation will take the form of visits by Slovenian partners in the Republic of Serbia and Serbian partners in the Republic of Slovenia and the acquisition of material in connection with selected topics in Slovenian or Serbian archives; working discussion meetings on research project topics, research content and methodological issues; coordination meetings for the joint development of analytical concepts, dissemination of results and initiatives for the development of the Slovenian-Serbian partnership in the field of humanities and social sciences.

Research Project