Social, economic and cultural history of Slovenian emigration (1945–1991)
Original Title
Socialna, gospodarska in kulturna zgodovina slovenskega izseljenstva (1945–1991)
Project Team
Marina Lukšič Hacin, PhD, Janja Žitnik Serafin, PhD, Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik, PhD, Marijanca Ajša Vižintin, PhD, Aleksej Kalc, PhD, Špela Kastelic, Špela Marinšek, dr. Damir Josipovič, Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja-
Project ID
1 May 2017–30 April 2020 -
Project Leader
Marina Lukšič Hacin, PhD
Financial Source
Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije
Institute for Ethnic Studies
A complete overview of voluntary and forced migration from Slovenian ethnic territory between 1945 and 1991 and of the Slovenian diaspora in this period of time will be made. Slovenia lacks a complete presentation that would join social, economic and cultural aspects of Slovenian emigration from the end of the Second World War to the proclamation of independence of Slovenia in 1991, and interpret them within the contemporary historical development of Slovenia on the one hand and the larger European migration context on the other. Overviews of European migration history do not include Slovenian emigration due to the fact that most literature on this subject is dispersed and linguistically unavailable to foreign readers. The findings of numerous studies made in Slovenia in these past decades are not much more accessible to Slovenian users either, as they have not been systematically summarised yet into a comprehensive survey. Furthermore, Slovenian historiography has treated emigration topics separately from other historical processes.
Research objectives are:
- to join the existing findings, systematise, classify and define the periods from 1945 to the proclamation of sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Slovenia, assess the significance of Slovenian emigration during individual periods of time, and integrate it in general Slovenian history;
- to interpret selected aspects within the international context and compare them with similar flows at European level;
- to place Slovenian voluntary and forced migration on the map of contemporary European history – a history of voluntary and forced migrations that have shaped the development of Europe and its present image.
Relevance and the potential influence of the results: Completing the result of the previous project (the history of Slovenian emigration before 1945), the monograph will constitute the second half of a complete social, economic and cultural history of Slovenian emigration from 1870 to 1991. Like the first monograph, this second one will also be put on the project website with free access to the entire text and images. It will be first published in Slovenian language and then translated into English with the financial support from the Slovenian Research Agency and the Slovenian Government Office for Slovenians Abroad. Thus it will be applicable – among other – to EMMIR (European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations), an international study programme in which members of the project team participate. The monograph will have impact on the European reception of Slovenian emigration and it will induce the integration of Slovenian emigration history into some vital data bases and studies on European migration.
Year 1:
- four work meetings of the research group;
- selection and studying of literature and sources using qualitative analysis of the contents;
- organising quantitative data and formulating the bases for statistical analyses and presentations;
- identifying the under-researched important phenomena of Slovenian emigration (grey areas) and planning the original parts of the research to illuminate the missing contents;
- designing the Web presentation of the project;
- preparing partial results (articles for peer-review journals or for peer-review academic monographs, papers/lectures for academic conferences, seminars, etc.).
Year 2:
- four work meetings of the research group;
- further study of literature and sources using qualitative contents analysis;
- implementation of quantitative analysis;
- implementation of original qualitative research concerning the grey areas;
- content structuring of the chapters of the emerging research monograph following the chronological and the level scheme;
- working drafts of chapters of the research monograph;
- an academic work conference;
- dissemination of the partial results of the project at Slovenian and international academic conferences, in the media and on the Internet;
- publication of academic articles/papers (in peer-review journals or in peer-review academic monographs).
Year 3:
- four work meetings of the research group;
- the final realisation of the interpretative phase in accordance with the set guidelines of the research and the monograph;
- dissemination of the project’s partial results at Slovenian and international academic conferences, in the media and on the Internet;
- publication of academic articles/papers (in peer-review journals or in peer-review academic monographs);
- preparation of the final academic monograph for print and for the Web.
The planned project results
- publication of 10 academic articles/papers (in peer-review journals or in academic monographs);
- an academic work conference;
- Web presentation of the project;
- dissemination of the project results at academic conferences in Slovenia and abroad, in the media and on the Web;
- the main result will be a comprehensive overview of the history of Slovenian emigration 1945–1991 in the form of an academic monograph.
Project results
1. A comprehensive overview of the history of Slovenian emigration 1945–1991 in the form of a scientific-research report / academic monograph
Social, economic and cultural history of Slovenian emigration 1945–1991
2. Academic publications
Research group:
Damir Josipovič, »Izzivi in zagate statističnega preučevanja slovenskega izseljenstva«, COBISS
Aleksej Kalc, »Od preučevanja slovenskega izseljenstva k migracijskim študijam«, COBISS
Aleksej Kalc (Editor), Raziskovanje slovenskega izseljenstva: vidiki, pristopi, vsebine, COBISS
Aleksej Kalc, »The other side of the "Istrian exodus": immigration and social restoration in Slovenian coastal towns in the 1950s«, COBISS
Aleksej Kalc, »Emigration from Venetian Slovenia to North America at the beginning of the 20th century on the basis of passenger lists«, COBISS
Aleksej Kalc, Doba velikih migracij na Slovenskem, COBISS
Marina Lukšič Hacin, »Sociologija mednarodnih selitev in njeni začetki v Sloveniji skozi tematizacije slovenskih izseljencev«, COBISS
Marina Lukšič Hacin, »The migration dynamics of the Slovenian territory in historical perspective«, COBISS
Marina Lukšič Hacin, »Brain drain from the end of the 1950s to the beginning of the 1990s with an emphasis on Slovenia«, COBISS
Marina Lukšič Hacin, »The political character of migration after the Second World War«, COBISS
Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik, »Preučevanje slovenskega izseljenstva v perspektivi spolno obeleženih migracij«, COBISS
Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik, »Researching Slovenian emigration from the perspective of gendered migration«, COBISS
Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik, Doba velikih migracij na Slovenskem, COBISS
Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik, »Collective experience of defection and other types of youth emigration after the Second World War in written, oral and other auto/biographical sources«, COBISS
Marijanca Ajša Vižintin, »Povezovanje Slovencev v Nemčiji na prehodu stoletij in generacij«, COBISS
Janja Žitnik Serafin, »Razvoj Inštituta za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije ZRC SAZU in njegov prispevek k izseljenskim študijam«, COBISS
Janja Žitnik Serafin, »Care for diasporic communities: the case of a bilateral agreement between Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina”, COBISS
Janja Žitnik Serafin, »Bükvič, Frank”, COBISS
Janja Žitnik Serafin (Editor), Raziskovanje slovenskega izseljenstva: vidiki, pristopi, vsebine, COBISS
Janja Žitnik Serafin, Doba velikih migracij na Slovenskem, COBISS
External collaborators:
Martina Bofulin, Nataša Rogelja, »Metodološki izzivi preučevanj mobilnih posameznikov in skupin v 21. stoletju: med migranti, turisti in popotniki«, COBISS
Jerneja Brumen, »Okoljske migracije kot diskurzivni fenomen”, COBISS
Jure Gombač, »Etnično podjetništvo med Slovenci v državah nekdanje Jugoslavije: situacije, možnosti in priložnosti«, COBISS
Miha Koderman, »Slovenske izseljenske skupnosti v luči turizma iskanja korenin”, COBISS
Žarko Lazarević, »Migracije in ekonomske interakcije (do prve svetovne vojne)«, COBISS
Dejan Valenčič, »Sodobno izseljevanje iz Slovenije (2004–2017) in etnično povezovanje »novoizseljencev««, COBISS
Maruša Verbič Koprivšek, »Preučevanje slovenskih izseljencev v ZDA − od posameznikov do skupnosti, od skupnosti do posameznikov«, COBISS
3. Academic work conference Migration in Slovenia and Slovenian emigration past the year 1945
Ljubljana, January 28, 2020 (Hall of the Geographical Museum) / ANNOUNCEMENT
Papers presented by the members of the Research group:
Damir Josipovič: Migracijski procesi na Slovenskem v dobi socializma (dinamike, smeri, strukturne značilnosti migracijskih gibanj)
Marina Lukšič Hacin: Med totalitarizmom in liberalizmom: politični, ekonomski in družbeni vidiki migracij na Slovenskem po drugi svetovni vojni
Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik, Marijanca A. Vižintin: Življenjske zgodbe kot vir za razumevanje delovanja izseljenskih skupnosti
Aleksej Kalc: Migracije in manjšinski prostori
Anton Gosar (The Faculty of Tourism Studies and Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska)
Matjaž Klemenčič (Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor)
Miran Komac (The Institute for Ethnic Studies)
Žarko Lazarević (The Institute of Contemporary History)
Janez Malačič (The Institute for Ethnic Studies)
Nadia Molek (external collaborator of ZRC SAZU, Slovenian Migration Institute)
Marta Rendla (The Institute of Contemporary History)
Zvone Žigon (Government Office for Slovenians Abroad)
4. Dissemination of the project results at academic conferences in Slovenia and abroad, in the media and on the Web
Academic conferences – Research Group:
International academic conference »Slovenian Emigration Research: New Approaches and Subject Matter, upon 30th Anniversary of the Slovenian Migration Institute ZRC SAZU«, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 21. 10. 2016:
- Damir Josipovič, »Challenges and quandaries of statistical studies of Slovenian diaspora«, COBISS
- Janja Žitnik Serafin, »The development of the Slovenian Migration Institute ZRC SAZU and its contribution to emigration studies«, COBISS
- Marijanca Ajša Vižintin, »From assimilation to inclusion: intercultural education«, COBISS
International academic conference »Letters in a Troubled Times: Evaluating Epistolary Souces«, Florida State University – The Institute on World War II and the Human Experience, Tallahassee, Florida, USA, 16. 2. 2018:
- Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik, »Because the times are getting worse and blessed are the families who have members around the world!" - the contextualization of correspondence and the epistolary (re)construction of normality«,
Fifth academic conference »Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: medsebojni vpliv raziskovanja in prakse«, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9. 9. 2020:
- Marijanca Ajša Vižintin, »Slovenske izseljenke, izseljenci (1945-1991) v Nemčijo, Bosno in Hercegovino, na Švedsko: primerjava štirih življenjskih zgodb«, COBISS
Slovenian Congress of Slavists 2020 »Slovenski jezik in književnost v srednjeevropskem prostoru«, On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Slavic Studies at the University of Graz, World Web, 9. 10. 2020:
- Marijanca Ajša Vižintin, »Ekonomske migracije in begunstvo v mladinski književnosti«, COBISS
Academic conferences – External collaborators:
International academic conference »Slovenian Emigration Research: New Approaches and Subject Matter, upon 30th Anniversary of the Slovenian Migration Institute ZRC SAZU«, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 21. 10. 2016:
- Martina Bofulin, Nataša Rogelja, »Methodological issues in migration research at the beginning of the 21st century: multi-sitedness and temporality«, COBISS
- Saša Božić, »Relevance of diaspora: from an academic apology of transnations towards an evaluation and social impact analysis of diasporic plans, actions and practices«, COBISS
- Maja Đukanović, »The role of diaspora in cultural and historical research of Slovene emigration«, COBISS
- Miha Koderman, »Slovenian emigrant communities in the roots tourism perspective - tourist visits as a form of cultural, emotional and economic interaction among emigrants and their former homeland«, COBISS
- Žarko Lazarevič, »Migrations and economic interactions«, COBISS
- Jernej Mlekuž, »On the migrations of nonhumans: the Carniolan burek and the Slovenian sausage«, COBISS
- Jaka Repič, »Slovenian diaspora in Argentina and return mobilities: memory, place and identity«, COBISS
- Filip Škiljan, Rebeka Mesarić Žabčić, »Theoretical and methodological problems of research of fluid identity in the case of Slovenes in Varazdin and Varazdin County«, COBISS
- Dejan Valentinčič, »The relation of contemporary emigrants from Slovenia (2004–2016) towards traditional Slovenian diaspora communities«, COBISS
- Maruša Verbič Koprivšek, »The study of Slovene emigrants in the U.S. – from individuals to communities, from communites to individuals«, COBISS
- Aleksandar Vukić, Marina Perić Kaselj, »The theory of social systems as a starting point for research of diaspora communities«, COBISS
Expert conferences and seminars:
International seminar »Microhistory, global and migration history«, Universitetet Stavanger, Norway, 2.–3. 4. 2019:
- Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik, »Migration and control: a microhistory case of a couple's correspondence«, COBISS
Seminar in the framework of the implementation of special tasks of central regional libraries »Nikoli ne reci, da te je strah«, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6. 6. 2017:
- Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik, »Izseljenci in priseljenci v slovenski zgodovini in sedanjosti: zgodbe na knjižnih policah«, COBISS
Training in the programe »Usposabljanja za izvajalce programa opismenjevanje v slovenščini za odrasle govorce drugih jezikov« (With the addition of minor asylum seekers), Slovenian Institute od Adult Education, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 23. 9. 2020:
- Marijanca Ajša Vižintin, »Medkulturne učne ure«, COBISS
Symposium »Razvijanje bralne pismenosti in bralne kulture ter večkulturnost, večjezičnost«, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia:
- Marijanca Ajša Vižintin, »Obravnava knjižnih besedil s priseljensko-izseljensko tematiko, COBISS
Training of secondary school educators »Prakse uspešnega vključevanja dijakov priseljencev v srednje šole«, Terme Zreče, Slovenia, 13. 3. 2019:
- Marijanca Ajša Vižintin, »Priseljeni in odseljeni: o sestavljeni identiteti, kulturnem šoku in vključevanju«, COBISS
Training for educators in kindergardens and primary schools »Prakse uspešnega vključevanja otrok priseljencev v vrtcu in osnovni šoli«, Terme Zreče, Slovenia, 12. 3. 2019:
- Marijanca Ajša Vižintin, »O Slovencih po svetu in priseljencih v Sloveniji«, COBISS
Lecture for the members of Association of Slovenians of Republic of Srpska Triglav and the participants in supplementary Slovene language classes, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hercegovina, 29. in 30. 3. 2019:
- Marijanca Ajša Vižintin, »Priseljevanje v Slovenijo in izseljevanje iz Slovenije«, COBISS
- Marijanca Ajša Vižintin, »Sestavljena identiteta migrantov in njihovih potomcev : predavanje za dijake dopolnilnega pouka slovenščine«, COBISS
Lecture for ninth graders and teachers as part of Social Science Week, Alojzij Šuštar Primary School, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 30. 1. 2019:
- Marijanca Ajša Vižintin, »Slovenci po svetu in priseljenci v Sloveniji«, COBISS
Promotion of project content at the »Only (with) other are we« trainingso:
Marijanca Ajša Vižintin, Marina Lukšič Hacin, »Samo visoko izobraženi se izseljujejo. Pa je to res?«, Final project report (Authors: Marijanca Ajša Vižintin, Marina Lukšič Hacin, Maja Gostič), COBISS
Media and Web:
Presenation of the academic monograph Doba velikih migracij na Slovenskem and the announcement of the forthcoming second part of the monograph on migration between 1945 and 1991.
Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik:
- Interview (Saša Vidmajer), Delo – Sobotna priloga, 11. 4. 2020,
- Interview (Stefano Lusa), Radio Capodistria – Il vaso di Pandora, 9. 4. 2020
- Interview (Tomaž Verdev), Radio Agora, Celove,4.5.2020, 10.15
- Interview (Nina Zagoričnik), Radio Slovenija, Val 202 – Proti etru, 7.5.2020, 21.00
- Interview (Magdalena Tušar), Radio Prvi – Kulturni fokus 22. 5. 2020,
- Interview (Agata Tomažič), Gea magazine, August 2020,
- Interview (Maja Kač), RTV SLO Portal MMC – Kultura, 19. 10. 2020,
- Presentation, Online Press Conference of Založbe ZRC, April 2020,
- Presentation, Forum Tomizza Online, May 2020,
- Public Talk (dr. Miha Zajc), Vodnikova Domačija, 7. 5. 2020,
- Presentation, Maribor Book Fair, 23.6.2020, 12.00
- Presentation, Festival of Migrant Film, Kinoteka, 9.9.2020, 18.00
- Presentation, Mesto knjige, Nova Gorica, 17.9.2020, 18.00
- Presentation, Ljubljana City Library, 21.9.2020, 18.00
- Presentation, Velenje library, 13.10.2020, 19.00
- Presentation, Maribor library, 3.11.2020, 17.00
- Presentation, Kranj library, 18.11.2020, 19.00
Aleksej Kalc:
- Interview (Rok Fink), Svobodna Slovenija, May 2020,
- Interview (Magdalena Tušar), Radio Prvi – Kulturni fokus 22. 5. 2020,
- Interview (Agata Tomažič), Gea magazine, August 2020,
- Interview (Maja Kač), RTV SLO Portal MMC – Kultura, 19. 10. 2020,
- Public Talk (dr. Miha Zajc), Vodnikova Domačija, 7. 5. 2020,
- Presentation, Maribor Book Fair, 23.6.2020, 12.00
- Presentation, Festival of Migrant Film, Kinoteka, 9.9.2020, 18.00
- Presentation, Mesto knjige, Nova Gorica, 17.9.2020, 18.00
- Presentation, Ljubljana City Library, 21.9.2020, 18.00
- Presentation, Velenje library, 13.10.2020, 19.00
- Presentation, Maribor library, 3.11.2020, 17.00
- Presentation, Kranj library, 18.11.2020, 19.00