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SMI Library

Like other institute libraries at the ZRC SAZU, the library operates as part of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Library, where material is processed and entered into the catalogues. However, lending takes place at the institute. The library primarily serves researchers employed at ZRC SAZU but is open to the public as well, especially for the literature unavailable at other general and specialized libraries.

Visitors can search for older material in the library’s card catalogue. Information on material acquired after 1991 is accessible through the online COBISS database.
Opening Hours: Monday – Thursday: 10.00 – 12.00

Telephone: +386 1 4706 485 (Deja Gliha)


You can pick up some of the out-of-print monographs FREE OF CHARGE at the Institute for Slovenian Emigration and Migration (Novi trg 2):

Some issues of the journal Dve domovini / Two Homelands are also available.

To pick up your free publications, please contact us in advance by email (