Development of inclusive integration paths 4 migrant women
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Jure Gombač, PhD-
Original Title
Development of inclusive integration paths 4 migrant women
Project Team
Marina Lukšič Hacin, PhD, Lucija Klun, Asja Pehar Senekovič-
Project ID
1 February 2021–31 March 2023 -
Lead Partner
Financial Source
The project is co-funded by the European Union's Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)
InterAktion, DIMITRA Educational Consulting SA, A & A Emphasys Interactive Solutions Ltd, Ayuntamiento de Quintanar del Rey, Stichting Amsterdam European Mobility, Cyprus Refugee Council (CyRC), MetropolisNet - European Metropolis Employment Network, Ce.F.A.S. - Centro di Formazione ed Alta Specializzazione, kitev - Kultur im Turm e.V., DRAMBLYS
Project Development of inclusivE iNteGration pAths 4 miGrant women / ENGAGE aimes to increase TCN women’s capability for entering the labour market and social life of the host society. TCN women, which are representing the 45% of refugees in the EU, have lower activity and employment rates, a higher risk of poverty and are more likely to be in lower skilled occupations. Most of them face particular integration challenges associated with lower education and labour market outcomes compared to refugee men. A main reason is that they are coming from countries with high gender inequality and low employment rates for women. Therefore, an effective integration process of these women in the new social environment, can contribute to their social and economic inclusion.
Although the integration issue is at the heart of the political discussion in Europe, many countries face difficulties in absorbing a greater number of migrants, as well as in the latter’s willingness to integrate. Much has been said and written on migration and integration, but too little attention, however, has been paid to women. While TCN women are highly qualified, most of them are directed to jobs and training mostly for household, care sector, secretary, and back-office services, unsuitable to their qualifications. Across the EU and specifically in Southern Europe, over 30% of TCN women work in low-skilled jobs, although they have tertiary degrees.
As a direct response to these facts, the project aims to organise targeted workshops for TCN women and Labour Market Representatives and serves a dual aim:
- to support TCN women’s first steps in the host community’s labour market through the acquisition of employability skills
- to increase LMS’ awareness on TCN women’s specific needs and gender issues
- to introduce Job Shadowing as an efficient integration measure.
- "Women circles" to foster integration of TCN women at local level.