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Slovenian history on a small scale: continuity and change in a village community in a long-term perspective (Tomaj, 16.-20. century)


The research intends to show the complexity and dynamism of peasant society over a longer period of time from the 16th to the 20th century. We want to emphasize internal dynamics and processes, as well as influences and responses to wider social, economic, cultural and political processes, in a constant relationship to the elements of continuity. We want to focus on the “common” man and his local community, which we will treat at the same time from a structural and dynamic point of view, and which should act as a prism through which we can observe broader historical processes. To this end, in defining our problem approach, we decided to combine three theoretical starting points, namely: the micro-historical method, institutional theory and moral economy. We chose Tomaj as a case-study Slovenian village community because of the preserved documentation as well as its exposure to most of the major historical conditions and turning points of rural Slovenia.