Social, economic and cultural history of Slovenian emigration (1870-1945)
Original Title
Socialna, gospodarska in kulturna zgodovina slovenskega izseljenstva (1870-1945)
Project Team
red. prof. dr. Žarko Lazarević, Špela Kastelic, Aleksej Kalc, PhD, Marina Lukšič Hacin, PhD, Špela Marinšek, Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik, PhD, Janja Žitnik Serafin, PhD-
Project ID
1 January 2016–31 December 2018 -
Link to the Sicris pages of the project group -
Project Leader
Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik, PhD
Institute of Contemporary History, Ljubljana
A comprehensive review study of social, economic and cultural history of Slovenian emigration will be presented as a final monograph on the emigration from the Slovenian ethnic territory and the Slovenian diaspora from the mid-19th century until 1945. The project is conceived on three thematic levels that will deal with Slovenian emigration over a long period of time through individual areas linked into an integrated interpretative network. These thematic levels are:
- historical, which will contextualise the phenomenon of Slovenian emigration and diaspora into economic, social and political events of the time;
- cultural-historical, which will deal with the cultural aspects of the phenomenon, the questions of identity, organisational forms of the Slovenian diaspora, cultural production, and the reciprocal influence with the country of origin;
- human-centred, which will offer the view of emigration and diaspora through the selected cases of personal experience of the migration process and subjective interpretation of the dynamics within the heterogeneity of migration communities and in the frame of the relations between migrant environments and the country of origin.
Research goals:
- to connect the existing findings, systemize and define the entire period from the mid-19th century until 1945, to evaluate the importance of emigration in particular eras and to position it into the general history of Slovenians;
- to interpret the selected aspects in the international context and compare them to similar currents in the European framework;
- to place Slovenian emigration on the map of European history as a history of mass emigrations that have crucially defined the development of Europe and its present-day image.
Work programme
Year 1:
- four work meetings of the research group;
- selection and studying of literature and sources using qualitative contents analysis;
- organising quantitative data and formulating the bases for statistical analyses and presentations;
- identifying the underresearched important phenomena of Slovenian emigration (grey areas) and planning the original parts of the research to illuminate the missing contents;
- designing the Web presentation of the project;
- preparing 3 review articles for peerreview journals.
Year 2:
- four work meetings of the research group;
- further study of literature and sources using qualitative contents analysis;
- implementation of quantitative analysis;
- implementation of original qualitative research concerning the grey areas;
- content structuring of the chapters of the emerging academic monograph following the chronological and the level scheme;
- working drafts of chapters of the monograph;
- an academic work conference;
- dissemination of the partial results of the project at Slovenian and international academic conferences, in the media and on the Internet;
- publication of 3 review articles in peerreview journals;
- preparation of 5 original research articles.
Year 3:
- four work meetings of the research group;
- the completion of the interpretative phase in accordance with the set guidelines of the research and the monograph;
- dissemination of the project’s partial results at Slovenian and international academic conferences, in the media and on the Internet;
- publication of 5 original scientific articles;
- preparing the manuscript of the final scientific monograph for print and for the Web.
- preparing 3 academic articles for peer-review journals.
Planned project results:
- publication of 3 review articles;
- publication of 5 original research articles;
- an academic work conference;
- Web presentation of the project;
- dissemination of the project results at academic conferences in Slovenia and abroad, in the media and on the Web;
- the main result will be a comprehensive overview of the history of Slovenian emigration 1870-1945 in the form of academic monograph.
Academic article
KALC, Aleksej. Nadzor migracijskih gibanj in migrantov : pogled v zgodovino (Control over Migrants and Migration Movements: A Glance at History). Dve domovini, 2016, [No.] 43, pp. 23-34. [COBISS.SI-ID 39315245], [SNIP]
- Description: The article outlines migration control in Europe from the 18th century to WWI with particular emphasis on its milestones and historical phases. It starts with the control criteria undertaken during the absolutism of the early modern period in order to manage migration movements and consolidate the power of the central state. This is followed by a presentation of the liberal attitude towards migrations arising from the French revolution. Over the course of the 19th century, this attitude brought about a regime of relatively free transnational migration movements, responding to the rationale of economic liberalism and the international labour market. The third part focuses on state protectionism and interventionism following WWI, when the states strengthened their control systems over migration movements and started to govern them in order to protect their national labour markets and according to other national interests. The article discusses the legal and political context a part of which is the emigration from the Slovenian ethnic territory with its own specificities.
MILHARČIČ-HLADNIK, Mirjam. Nadzor nad nadzorom : strategije upiranja in avtonomnost delovanja migrantk v sodobni in zgodovinski perspektivi (Control of Control: Strategies of Resistance and Autonomy of Agency of Women Migrants in the Contemporary and Historical Perspective). Dve domovini / Two Homelands, 2016, [No.] 43, pp. 35-46 [COBISS.SI-ID 39291949]
- Description: The article presents how gender-specific control is structured on different levels: at the level of national imagination; at the level of the mechanisms of the preservation of the traditional division of gender roles; and at the level of public discourses and cultural presentations. However, the main aim of the article is to overcome the dominant understanding and treatment of women migrants as victims of control mechanisms and migration policy. It presents some parallels between past and contemporary ways of control of control that are actively performed by women migrants as the actors in individual migration processes. By choosing strategies of survival and improvement of ways of life in the migration context, their agency and inventiveness overcome, resist and exploit the control mechanisms of migration for their own benefit.
KALC, Aleksej. Nadzor migracijskih gibanj in migrantov v cesarski Avstriji od 18. stoletja do prve svetovne vojne (Control over Migrants and Migration Movements in Imperial Austria from the 18th century to WWI). Dve domovini / Two Homelands, 2016, [No.] 44, pp. 111-123. [COBISS.SI-ID 40323629]
- Description: The article deals with migration control in Imperial Austria from the times of Maria Theresa up to the end of WWI. It examines the transition from the absolutistic migration regime to the deregulation and the liberalisation of migration in the second half of the 19th century, the restrictions on freedom of movement and the treatment of enemy aliens during the war, and the post-war implementation of the state regulation of migration. Special emphasis is placed on the control and limitations of freedom of emigration in the laissez-faire period from the 1860s to WWI. The need for a differentiated approach to the topic is also addressed because of regional and local differences in implementing the migration legislation.
MILHARČIČ-HLADNIK, Mirjam. Vpliv stikov in mešanja kultur na kulturno krajino skozi perspektivo migracij (The influence of contacts and the mixing of cultures on the cultural landscape from the perspective of migration). Etnolog 26/2016, pp. 17–30.
- Description: The focus of the article is on three selected examples of the cultural landscape that was emptied and depopulated during WWII and after 1945 due to the mass emigration, exodus and rural-urban migration as well as their presentations in three museums that deal with their particular, local histories and memories.
Organization of international academic conference and publication of abstracts
Organization of international academic conference "Slovenian Emigration Research: New Approaches and Subject Matter", 21 October, 2016, Ljubljana (and publication of abstracts) [COBISS.SI-ID 40516653]
- Description: Janja Žitnik Serafin and Aleksej Kalc organised upon the 30th anniversary of Slovenian Migration Institute ZRC SAZU an international academic conference titled "Slovenian Emigration Research: New Approaches and Subject Matter". The conference was held in Ljubljana on October 21st, 2016 and it was co-financed by the Slovenian Government’s Office for Slovenians Abroad. Eighteen individually invited authors from Slovenia and abroad presented their papers. The themes of the two morning sessions were “General aspects of Slovenian migration research” and “Methodological approaches applied in case studies of individual emigrant communities”. The afternoon programme included another two sessions: “New Approaches and Subject Matter" and “Presentation of projects”, the latter consisting of presentations of research projects lead by members of Slovenian Migration Institute. The final discussion aimed at conference conclusions pointed to the fact that the present cannot be discussed separately from the past and that contemporary immigration to Europe cannot be fully understood without a thorough insight into the history of emigration of one's own nation.
Published abstracts of lectures held at academic conferences
MILHARČIČ-HLADNIK, Mirjam. Doživljanje begunske krize skozi historično perspektivo: pregnanci, izgnanci in ekonomski migranti v ogledalu slovenskega kolektivnega spomina. In: MLEKUŽ, Ana (ed.). Kdo (vse) misli "begunsko krizo": doživljanja, imaginariji, refleksije: znanstveni simpozij, Ljubljana, 14. april 2016. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2016, p. 7 [COBISS.SI-ID 39970605]
- Description: The presentation described the historical flows of the Slovenian emigration in the last hundred and fifty years and was focused specifically on the examples of refugees and displaced persons from the Slovenian ethnic territory in the first and second world wars.
ŽITNIK SERAFIN, Janja. Razvoj Inštituta za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije ZRC SAZU in njegov prispevek k izseljenskim študijam = The development of the Slovenian Migration Institute ZRC SAZU and its contribution to emigration studies. In: ŽITNIK SERAFIN, Janja (ed.), KALC, Aleksej (ed.). Raziskovanje slovenskega izseljenstva: novi pristopi in vsebine: Ob 30-letnici Inštituta za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije ZRC SAZU = Slovenian Emigration Research: New Approaches and Subject Matter Upon the 30th Anniversary of the Slovenian Migration Institute ZRC SAZU: Povzetki = Abstracts. Ljubljana: Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije, 2016. Ljubljana: Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije, 2016, pp. 1-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 40516909]
- Description: The author points to the facts that since the early 1990s, the Institute’s researchers have published – besides an impressive number of articles and other contributions – around 40 academic monographs focused specifically on Slovenian emigration, and a number of other books in which Slovenian emigration constitutes an important part of the discussed subject matter. Their academic treatment has covered almost all Slovenian emigration destinations in all the periods of emigration from the Slovenian ethnic territories as well as most of the organisation and cultural-artistic activities of the Slovenian diaspora. Social relevance of the Institute’s research results can be observed at different levels, mostly in terms of updating and upgrading educational contents for primary and secondary schools as well as university programmes. Vital social involvement of the Institute’s researchers is reflected in a changed attitude of the Republic of Slovenia towards Slovenian diaspora.
LAZAREVIĆ, Žarko. Migracije in ekonomske interakcije = Migrations and economic interactions. In: ŽITNIK SERAFIN, Janja (ed.), KALC, Aleksej (ed.). Raziskovanje slovenskega izseljenstva: novi pristopi in vsebine: Ob 30-letnici Inštituta za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije ZRC SAZU = Slovenian Emigration Research: New Approaches and Subject Matter Upon the 30th Anniversary of the Slovenian Migration Institute ZRC SAZU: Povzetki = Abstracts. Ljubljana: Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije, 2016, pp. 3-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 40517165]
- Description: Žarko Lazarević from the partner institute, Institute of Contemporary History in Ljubljana, pointed to the fact that the home environments which generated the emigration flow remain largely unexplored. The issues regarding the economic dimensions of migrations remain outside the scope of the research interest as well. This has to do with a broader concept in the study of migrations, dominant in the past. We should be aware that the emphasis on the economic aspects of migrations as well as their effects and consequences for the local economies has only recently come into the focus of the research interest. Extensive migrations in the second half of the 20th century placed the issue of the reverse influences of the expatriate communities on their original environments in the centre of the research interest. Questions were raised about the processes taking place in their home environment after the emigration of a part of the population and about the nature of the reverse effects of the expatriates on their home environment. This applies to social as well as economic phenomena. Thus the goal of this paper was to present an overview of the basic characteristics of migrations with regard to the economic circumstances. On the basis of available literature, the author tried to present the basic sequence of causes and effects of the migrations from the Slovenian space with regard to the economic circumstances.
MILHARČIČ-HLADNIK, Mirjam. Raziskovanje izseljevanja v perspektivi priseljevanja = Researching emigration in the perspective of immigration. In: ŽITNIK SERAFIN, Janja (ur.), KALC, Aleksej (ur.). Raziskovanje slovenskega izseljenstva: novi pristopi in vsebine: Ob 30-letnici Inštituta za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije ZRC SAZU = Slovenian Emigration Research: New Approaches and Subject Matter Upon the 30th Anniversary of the Slovenian Migration Institute ZRC SAZU: Povzetki = Abstracts. Ljubljana: Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije, 2016, str. 31-32. [COBISS.SI-ID 40528173]
- Description: The presentation will describe the conceptual presupposition of the research of Slovenian emigration that is defined as the mirrored understanding of migration. It is a way of researching the Slovenian emigration and the immigration to Slovenia with the same methodological and conceptual approaches: »our« emigrants are at the same time immigrants and immigrants to Slovenia are at the same time emigrants. For all of them the motives for migration are the same as is the way to reach the goals: social integration. These are also the topics, among others, of two international projects, PREDIS and Out-Side-In, which open various possibilities for transfer and practical application at international level of research findings resulting from a national basic research project.
MILHARČIČ-HLADNIK, Mirjam. Različni obrazi migracij: med pozabo in zanikanjem (Different faces of migration: between oblivion and denial.). In: ROŽMAN, Sara (ed.), KOGOVŠEK, Tina (ed.). Različni obrazi migracij: zbornik povzetkov. Ljubljana: Slovensko sociološko društvo, 2016, p. 10 [COBISS.SI-ID 40654381]
- Description: The conference presentation focused on the structural and institutional denial and erasure of the migration experience of the people of Slovenian and European territories that is most visible in the almost total absence of this topic – in the historical and contemporary perspective – on all levels of the educational systems.
ŽITNIK SERAFIN, Janja (the person interviewed). Želja : prispevati k preseganju dvojnih meril pri obravnavanju preteklih in današnjih migracij : Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije praznuje 30 let. (A wish to help eradicate double standards relating to the discussion of past and present migration: Slovenian Migration Institute celebrates its 30th anniversary.) Moja Slovenija, Feb. 2016, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 8-9 [COBISS.SI-ID 39980589]
- Description: Anja Sedej interviewed Janja Žitnik Serafin upon the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Slovenian Migration Institute ZRC SAZU. The themes were the development of the Institute, its major achievements, and the significance of being thoroughly acquainted with past experiences of Slovenian emigrants and refugees in order to understand the experience of immigrants and refugees to and through Slovenia.
Lecture held at a foreign universitiy
MILHARČIČ-HLADNIK, Mirjam. Slovenian women in the USA: Stories on transnational life experiences: invited lecture in the framework of the series Labour migration in Europe since the 1960s (603.641), University of Salzburg, 2016 [COBISS.SI-ID 39971629]
- Description: The lecture included a variety of life stories of Slovenian women migrants and their descendants in the USA and the different forms of preserving and transforming of identities in transnational and transcultural family contexts.
Paper presented at a conference
KALC, Aleksej. Antifascisti sloveni e croati della Venezia Giulia in esilio in Europa e nelle Americhe : lecture at Study Days "L'emigrazione antifascista dal Friuli tra le due guerre", Palazzo Florio - Sala Florio, Udine, Italy, 18 March, 2016. [COBISS.SI-ID 39661869]
- Description: The paper presented at the conference on the Anti-Fascist emigration from Friuli between WWI and WWII offered an overview of the emigration of Slovenes and Croats from the former Austrian province Julian March, annexed by Italy in 1918, where about 350,000 Slovenes and Croats had been subject to Fascist denationalisation policy and persecutions. The extent, the dynamics, the social composition and the destinations of the emigrant movements were presented as well as the formation of the emigrants' communities in Europe and the Americas. The cases in the main receiving countries, i.e. Argentina and Yugoslavia were given special attention. The focus of the discussion was especially on the political activities carried on by the diasporic communities against the Fascism, in support of the Slovene and Croat minorities living under the Italian role and aimed at finding a solution to the question of the Italian-Yugoslav borders until the Peace conference in 1947.
MILHARČIČ-HLADNIK, Mirjam. Doživljanje begunske krize skozi historično perspektivo: pregnanci, izgnanci in ekonomski migranti v ogledalu slovenskega kolektivnega spomina (Experiencing the refugee crisis through historical perspective: refugees, displaced persons and economic migrants in the mirror of the Slovenian collective memory): lecture at the academic symposium Kdo (vse) misli "begunsko krizo": doživljanja, imaginariji, refleksije, 14 April, 2016, Atrium ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana [COBISS.SI-ID 39727917]
- Description: The presentation described the historical flows of the Slovenian emigration in the last hundred and fifty years and was focused specifically on the examples of refugees and displaced persons from the Slovenian ethnic territory in the first and second world wars.
LAZAREVIĆ, Žarko. Migracije in ekonomske interakcije: lecure at the international academic conference Raziskovanje slovenskega izseljenstva: novi pristopi in vsebine: ob 30-letnici Inštituta za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije ZRC SAZU = Slovenian Emigration Research: New Approaches and Subject Matter Upon the 30th Anniversary of the Slovenian Migration Institute ZRC SAZU, 21 October 2016, Ljubljana
- Description: Žarko Lazarević from the partner institute, Institute of Contemporary History in Ljubljana, pointed to the fact that the home environments which generated the emigration flow remain largely unexplored. The issues regarding the economic dimensions of migrations remain outside the scope of the research interest as well. This has to do with a broader concept in the study of migrations, dominant in the past. We should be aware that the emphasis on the economic aspects of migrations as well as their effects and consequences for the local economies has only recently come into the focus of the research interest. Extensive migrations in the second half of the 20th century placed the issue of the reverse influences of the expatriate communities on their original environments in the centre of the research interest. Questions were raised about the processes taking place in their home environment after the emigration of a part of the population and about the nature of the reverse effects of the expatriates on their home environment. This applies to social as well as economic phenomena. Thus the goal of this paper was to present an overview of the basic characteristics of migrations with regard to the economic circumstances. On the basis of available literature, the author tried to present the basic sequence of causes and effects of the migrations from the Slovenian space with regard to the economic circumstances.
MILHARČIČ-HLADNIK, Mirjam. Letters and life stories: What correspondence can tell about past and future: lecture at the international seminar Bevar meg vel: brev, bøker, bilete, biografiar, 4 May, 2016, Agatunet, Norway [COBISS.SI-ID 39971117]
- Description: The presentation introduced the analysis of the vast correspondence of a migrant Udovič-Valenčič-Hrvatin family and the possibilities that the letters and testimonies offer for the better understanding of the subjective experiences of the migration processes in the past and present.
ŽITNIK SERAFIN, Janja. Razvoj Inštituta za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije ZRC SAZU in njegov prispevek k izseljenskim študijam (The development of the Slovenian migration institute ZRC SAZU and its contribution to emigration studies): opening lecture at the international academic conference Raziskovanje slovenskega izseljenstva: novi pristopi in vsebine: ob 30-letnici Inštituta za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije ZRC SAZU = Slovenian Emigration Research: New Approaches and Subject Matter Upon the 30th Anniversary of the Slovenian Migration Institute ZRC SAZU, 21 October 2016, Ljubljana [COBISS.SI-ID 40462637]
Description: In the opening lecture titled The development of the Slovenian migration institute ZRC SAZU and its contribution to emigration studies, Janja Žitnik Serafin, the eldest member of the institute hosting the conference presented the process of the foundation and further development of the Institute with an emphasis on its vital contribution in terms of the Slovenian emigration research. Since the early 1990s, when the Institute consisted of two young researches and three researchers who had just taken their doctor’s degree (in 1992–93), the Institute’s researchers have published – besides an impressive number of articles and other contributions – around 40 academic monographs focused specifically on Slovenian emigration, and a number of other books in which Slovenian emigration constitutes one of the main topics. Their academic treatment has covered most of the Slovenian emigration destinations and most of the periods of emigration from the Slovenian ethnic territories as well as the bulk of the organisation and cultural-artistic activities of the Slovenian diaspora.
MILHARČIČ-HLADNIK, Mirjam. Raziskovanje izseljevanja v perspektivi priseljevanja (Researching emigration in the perspective of immigration): lecure at the international academic conference Raziskovanje slovenskega izseljenstva: novi pristopi in vsebine: ob 30-letnici Inštituta za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije ZRC SAZU = Slovenian Emigration Research: New Approaches and Subject Matter Upon the 30th Anniversary of the Slovenian Migration Institute ZRC SAZU, 21 October 2016, Ljubljana [COBISS.SI-ID 40463661]
- Description: The presentation will describe the conceptual presupposition of the research of Slovenian emigration that is defined as the mirrored understanding of migration. It is a way of researching the Slovenian emigration and the immigration to Slovenia with the same methodological and conceptual approaches: »our« emigrants are at the same time immigrants and immigrants to Slovenia are at the same time emigrants. For all of them the motives for migration are the same as is the way to reach the goals: social integration. These are also the topics, among others, of two international projects, PREDIS and Out-Side-In, which open various possibilities for transfer and practical application at international level of research findings resulting from a national basic research project.
Invited lecture
KALC, Aleksej. Zgodovinski vpogled v nadzor migracij in beguncev (Historical insight into the control over migrations and refugees): lecture at the conference Migration and Control, 17 February, 2016, Ljubljana [COBISS.SI-ID 3094762]
- Description: The lecture outlines migration control in Europe from the 18th century to the First World War with particular emphasis on its milestones and historical phases. It starts with the control criteria undertaken during the absolutism of the early modern period in order to manage migration movements and consolidate the power of the central state. This is followed by a presentation of the liberal attitude towards migrations arising from the French revolution. Over the course of the 19th century this attitude brought about a regime of relatively free transnational migration movements, responding to the rationale of economic liberalism and the international labour market. The third part focuses on state protectionism and interventionism following WWI, when the states strengthened their control systems over migration movements and started to govern them in order to protect their national labour markets and according to other national interests.
Mentor in doctoral dissertations
KALC, Aleksej, mentor: Teja Krašovec, Primorski priseljenci v Ljubljani med obema svetovnima vojnama : doctoral dissertation. Koper: [T. Krašovec], 2016. 277 pp. [COBISS.SI-ID 1538267076]
- Description: The doctoral thesis investigates the immigration and the life of the Slovenians from the Julian March in Ljubljana in the inter-war period, when the province was under the Italian rule and their Slovenian and Croatian national minorities were subject to the fascist persecuting policy. The dissertation is the first case study on the demographic, social, economic and cultural features of this immigration community in Ljubljana, numbering about 10 % of the city's population. It is grounded on the records of the 1928 census, qualitative archival sources, literature and personal testimonies and memories.
Mentor in master's theses
Mirjam MILHARČIČ HLADNIK was mentor in: GORUP, Darja. Kontrabantka : njene poti s koščkom svobode: življenje in vloga žensk v Vipavskih brdih prve polovice 20. stoletja: magistrsko delo (Kontrabantka: Her routes with piece of freedom: Life and role of women in Vipavska brda in the first half of the 20th century: Master's Thesis). Nova Gorica: [D. Gorup], 2016. 95 p. [COBISS.SI-ID 4494587]
Description: The master's thesis discusses migration and trade routes of women from Gabrje, a village in Vipavska brda, and their changing social role. Because of the legislation, they changed from merchants to smugglers while some of them migrated to nearby Italian towns in search of better living conditions.
Other performed events
ŽITNIK SERAFIN, Janja. The young Louis Adamic: lecture held in the conference hall of the Slovenian Writers’ Association, Ljubljana, 13 Oct. 2016 [COBISS.SI-ID 40516397]
Description: Upon the 65th anniversary of the death of Louis Adamic, the most successful Slovenian emigrant writer, the author Janja Žitnik Serafin presented in her lecture some of the more or less typical traumatic experiences and feelings of a young Slovenian immigrant to the US as they are reflected in numerous autobiographic passages from Adamic's early works.
MILHARČIČ-HLADNIK, Mirjam, LUKŠIČ-HACIN, Marina, MIKLAVČIČ-BREZIGAR, Inga, STANONIK, Marija, ROŽENBERGAR, Tanja, MIHURKO PONIŽ, Katja. Thematic evening and book presentation: Mirjam Hladnik Milharčič (ed.): Iz Slovenije v Egipt - From Slovenia to Egypt, Goriški muzej, 8 March, 2016, Nova Gorica. [COBISS.SI-ID 39595053]
- Description: The thematic evening was dedicated to conceptual, theoretical and methodological dilemmas concerning future transdisciplinary research into the aleksandrinke (Slovenian women labour migrants to Alexandria and other places in Egypt from 1870 on). The focus was on literary-historical, sociological and cultural aspects of the research. Special attention was paid to the questions of collecting, preserving and analysing family correspondences which until now have been largely put aside in favour of collecting the testimonies and material heritage of the aleksandrinke.
Academic monograph
Raziskovanje slovenskega izseljenstva: vidiki, pristopi, vsebine (ed. Janja Žitnik Serafin and Aleksej Kalc). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 242 p. Free access to the monograph HERE
Link to the Sicris pages of the project group
Chapters in the academic monograph
LAZAREVIĆ, Žarko. Migrations and economic interactions (up to WWI) In: ŽITNIK SERAFIN, Janja (ur.), KALC, Aleksej (ur.). Slovenian Emigration Research: Aspects, Approaches, Substance. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU. 2017, str. 49-65, graf. prikazi, tabeli. [COBISS.SI-ID 42322733]
- Description: The article deals with the link between migrations and economic conditions. It describes the migrations in the context of different developmental stages of the sending and receiving regions as well as of family decisions and migrant remittances.
KALC, Aleksej. From researching the Slovenian emigration to migration studies. In: ŽITNIK SERAFIN, Janja (ur.), KALC, Aleksej (ur.). Slovenian Emigration Research: Aspects, Approaches, Substance. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU. 2017, str. 7-19. [COBISS.SI-ID 42321965]
- Description: The article outlines early beginnings of Slovenian emigration research, presents the motifs and circumstances that have lead to the publication of this book, and briefly summarizes its content.
ŽITNIK SERAFIN, Janja. The development of the Slovenian Migration Institute ZRC SAZU and its contribution to emigration studies. In: ŽITNIK SERAFIN, Janja (ur.), KALC, Aleksej (ur.).Slovenian Emigration Research: Aspects, Approaches, Substance. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU. 2017, str. 21-34, fotogr. [COBISS.SI-ID 42322221]
- Description: The article focuses on the beginnings and the development of the Institute and above all on its contribution in the framework of Slovenian emigration research.
MILHARČIČ-HLADNIK, Mirjam. Aleksandrinke – women migrants between villages in Goriška region and cities in Egypt. In: MIKELJ, Tomaž (ur.). Migracije : zbornik strokovnih prispevkov za mentorje zgodovinskih krožkov. Ljubljana: Zveza prijateljev mladine Slovenije, Komisija za delo zgodovinskih krožkov. 2017, str. 35-40. [COBISS.SI-ID 42184493]
- Description: The article presents a specific woman migration from Goriška region to Egypt from the middle of the 19th to the middle of the 20th century as well as economic and political circumstances of their migrations. Women mostly work as well-paid domestic workers and considerably contributed to the preservation of the families and farms with their wages expecially in the times of the fascist regime.
Scientific article
LUKŠIČ-HACIN, Marina. The Migration Dynamics of the Slovenian Territory in Historical Perspective. Dve domovini, ISSN 0353-6777. [Tiskana izd.], 2018, [Št.] 48, str. 55-72. [COBISS.SI-ID 43361837], [SNIP]
- Description: The article presents an overview of the complex migration dynamics in Slovenia and its border regions over the last two hundred years. Both the intensive migration dynamics that occured due to people's seeking of employment and refuge, and the political movement of the borders, have been construed in migration studies as highly complex phenomena. This poses numerous challenges for interpreting how to understand migrations in 21st-century migration studies.
MILHARČIČ-HLADNIK, Mirjam. Researching Slovenian emigration from the perspective of gendered migration. Dve domovini : razprave o izseljenstvu, ISSN 0353-6777. [Tiskana izd.], 2018, [Št.] 47, str. 71-88. [COBISS.SI-ID 42683181]
- Description: The article presents how Slovenian women emigrants and women immigrants to Slovenia have become an important part of migration studies conducted by the Slovenian Migration Institute and other institutions. The research has focused on gendered migration and revealed different ways of structuring power relationships, social practices and institutions organized according to the gender principle, and as well as subjective processes of identity construction in the migration context.
KALC, Aleksej. Emigration from Venetian Slovenia to North America at the Beginning of the 20th century on the Basis of Passenger Lists. Dve domovini : razprave o izseljenstvu, ISSN 0353-6777. 2018, 47, str. 107-126, tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 42674733]
- Description: The paper discusses emigration from Venetian Slovenia to the USA in the early decades of the 20th centzury on the basis of the passenger lists compiled by the US immigration authorities. It illustrates the dynamic and structural characteristics of the movements and the typological change from seasonal continental to transatlantic labour migration.
Published abstracts of lectures held at academic conferences
MILHARČIČ-HLADNIK, Mirjam. "Because the times are getting worse and blessed are the families who have members around the world!" - the contextualization of correspondence and the epistolary (re)construction of normality : predavanje na konferenci "Letters in Troubled Times: Evaluating Epistolary Sources", Florida State University, The Institute on World War II and the Human Experience, 16. feb. 2018, Tallahassee (FL). [COBISS.SI-ID 42682669]
- Description: The lecture presented a correspondence between Felicita Koglot and her husband Franc Peric, which is the complete documentation of the strategies of a couple to (re)construct normality under most adverse conditions in the dramatic times of their separation. They had to keep their love alive and then their marriage functioning, both with the goal of continuing their lives after reunification inside the parameters defined by their local community.
Dissemination of the project results in the media and on the Web
Presenation of the academic monograph Doba velikih migracij na Slovenskem (2020).
Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik:
- Interview (Saša Vidmajer), Delo – Sobotna priloga, 11. 4. 2020,
- Interview (Stefano Lusa), Radio Capodistria – Il vaso di Pandora, 9. 4. 2020
- Interview (Tomaž Verdev), Radio Agora, Celove,4.5.2020, 10.15
- Interview (Nina Zagoričnik), Radio Slovenija, Val 202 – Proti etru, 7.5.2020, 21.00
- Interview (Magdalena Tušar), Radio Prvi – Kulturni fokus 22. 5. 2020,
- Interview (Agata Tomažič), Gea magazine, August 2020,
- Interview (Maja Kač), RTV SLO Portal MMC – Kultura, 19. 10. 2020,
- Presentation, Online Press Conference of Založbe ZRC, April 2020,
- Presentation, Forum Tomizza Online, May 2020,
- Public Talk (dr. Miha Zajc), Vodnikova Domačija, 7. 5. 2020,
- Presentation, Maribor Book Fair, 23.6.2020, 12.00
- Presentation, Festival of Migrant Film, Kinoteka, 9.9.2020, 18.00
- Presentation, Mesto knjige, Nova Gorica, 17.9.2020, 18.00
- Presentation, Ljubljana City Library, 21.9.2020, 18.00
- Presentation, Velenje library, 13.10.2020, 19.00
- Presentation, Maribor library, 3.11.2020, 17.00
- Presentation, Kranj library, 18.11.2020, 19.00
Aleksej Kalc:
- Interview (Rok Fink), Svobodna Slovenija, May 2020,
- Interview (Magdalena Tušar), Radio Prvi – Kulturni fokus 22. 5. 2020,
- Interview (Agata Tomažič), Gea magazine, August 2020,
- Interview (Maja Kač), RTV SLO Portal MMC – Kultura, 19. 10. 2020,
- Public Talk (dr. Miha Zajc), Vodnikova Domačija, 7. 5. 2020,
- Presentation, Maribor Book Fair, 23.6.2020, 12.00
- Presentation, Festival of Migrant Film, Kinoteka, 9.9.2020, 18.00
- Presentation, Mesto knjige, Nova Gorica, 17.9.2020, 18.00
- Presentation, Ljubljana City Library, 21.9.2020, 18.00
- Presentation, Velenje library, 13.10.2020, 19.00
- Presentation, Maribor library, 3.11.2020, 17.00
- Presentation, Kranj library, 18.11.2020, 19.00
Published reviews of the academic monograph Doba velikih migracij na Slovenskem (2020)
Klara Kožar Rosulnik, »Doba velikih migracij na Slovenskem«, Andragoška Spoznanja, 26(2).
Miha Naglič, »Doba velikih migracij na Slovenskem«, Gorenjski glas, 13. 7. 2020.
Gabriela Babnik, »Toliko telesa in duše smo vložili v preživetje, da teh zgodnjih dni ni mogoče pozabiti.«, Vrabec anarhist. Portal za književnost in mišljenje, 25. 7. 2020.
Iztok Ilich, »Doba velikih migracij na Slovenskem«, 3. program Radio Slovenija – Ars, 29. 8. 2020, 15:45.
Vesna Humar, »Velika zgodba o kovčkih, parnikih, strahovih in upanju«, Primorske novice, 22. 5. 2020.