The Position of Cultural-Artistic Activity of Slovene Emigrants and its Place in Modern Slovene Culture
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Janja Žitnik Serafin, PhDProject Team
Breda Čebulj Sajko, PhD, Marjan Drnovšek, PhD, Irena Gantar Godina, PhD, Marina Lukšič Hacin, PhD, Z. Žigon, Špela Marinšek, D. Ceglar-
1 November 1999–15 December 2000
Cultural-artistic activity of Slovene emigrants – with the exception of their literary production – has hardly been a subject of systematic comprehensive research. For this reason the knowledge of this activity has been insufficient in Slovenia proper. Only a systematic overview of this component part of Slovene national culture, which was planned as a main result of the project, has made it possible to establish the position of various fields of the emigrants’ cultural-artistic activities in their new homelands as well as their place in the cultural arena of Slovenia proper. The result was also a basis for the elaboration of several suggestions in terms of the future cultural policy of Slovenian State concerning the emigrants.
Apart from a final research report, the project team has published the results of this project in the following publications: Dve domovini/Two Homelands, 14 (2001); Slavistična revija, 48 (2000), no. 2; 38. seminar slovenskega jezika, literature in kulture (Ljubljana: Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik pri Oddelku za slovanske jezike in književnosti Filozofske fakultete, 2002); Zgodovina v šoli, 12 (2003), no. 1–2; Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Multikulturalismus: der Schutz sprachlich-kultureller Vielfalt in Kanada und in Europa (Wien: Zentrum für Kanada-Studien, Universität Wien, 2004).