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Translating cultural language – TOCL


Cultural education plays a major role in the social integration of migrants. Not only does it help migrants cope with marginalization, but it also gives them a better understanding of the culture of the society they have moved to.

The project TOCL - Translating the cultural language recognizes the need to educate migrant communities about the peculiarities of cultural elements through learning the language of the receiving countries.

The method of cultural translation is an innovative approach to educating migrants about the cultural content of the host country. The aim of the method is to develop a cultural training curriculum to be used by migrants and professionals in the field of language education. The curriculum will contain cultural material (stories, songs, recipes, jokes, proverbs) from the project partner countries, which will be translated into English, French and Arabic.

The main output of the project is an interactive learning platform that will act as a training environment and contain the TOCL curriculum and translated cultural materials. This open platform will provide free access to materials for educators and migrants throughout the European Union. It is intended for everyone who would like to assess their language skills and continue their education.