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Mitigating the consequences of brain drain and strengthening the mechanism of brain circulation


The research project Mitigating the consequences of brain drain and strengthening the mechanism of brain circulation mechanism will analyze the migration flows in the Republic of Slovenia in the last decade and a half, from the time Slovenia joins the EU to the present day. 

The project is divided into three parts. In the first part, we will analyze emigration from Slovenia and the return of Slovenes to Slovenia, immigration and emigration of the foreign population. The project will be based on the assumption that young educated Slovenians
emigrate because of better working conditions they have abroad or worse opportunities in Slovenia. At the same time, in the first part of the project, we will analyze and analyze the situation and the situation in some other countries that are confronted with similar
emigration as Slovenia, but have already set up systems to encourage the return of young educators back to their homeland. 

In the second part, we will focus on the factors that affect the return of individuals to their homeland. We expect to carry out 20 semi-structured interviews with young educators who returned to Slovenia after a period abroad and those who are still living abroad. 

Based on the findings, in the third part of the project, we will prepare a substantive concept for complementing possible existing mechanisms and proposals for their implementation into existing mechanisms for the return of Slovenian researchers and researchers, and the
establishment of a stimulating return environment. 

The aim of the proposed research is:

(1) To analyze migration processes from and to the Republic of Slovenia in a comparative perspective. (regarding the share and structure of emigrants). Which countries face the same challenges as Slovenia.
(2) For qualitative and quantitative reasons, determine the reasons and motivations for emigration of young emigrants, thinking about it, a decision for a lasting life abroad or a return after a certain period (analysis of push and pull factors).
(3) An analysis of the policies of countries which Slovenia could be compared to for reducing emigration and its consequences, especially highly educated, promoting returnees and attracting a highly skilled workforce.
(4) Finding connecting factors for transition from brain drain to brain circulation and the internationalization of Slovenian science, focusing on the issues of updating and optimizing regulations regarding the employment of researchers from abroad (both Slovene and non-
Slovenian) in Slovenia and their integration into the working and living environment.
(5) Prepare a set of proposals for measures to achieve the goal of reducing emigration, achieving brain circulation and promoting the internationalization of Slovenian science.

Final research report (SI)

Recommendations (SI)

Research Project